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Verified Reviews for Bengal

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Clever, affectionate, talkative - Mabeth,

Such a clever breed of cat. They need entertainment. They are very sociable with people, but may take time to warm up to other cats. Very affectionate and female cats like to stay close to home. These are also very talkative cats

- Alanta,

A very intelligent, loving, happy cat. Best breed I've had. A Very friendly with kids.

EXCITING lovable like your child - Nina, Somerset,

What a beautiful friend, she came at 14 weeks and immediately ran to the top of the bookshelf. Her first year she was a house cat, and would run upstairs to bed with the children. She was very vocal, tell you when she had run out of food (but not hungry), when she had used the litter tray, complain if you were on the phone like a child, and drank water with her paw, she eats dried food but knows if you pick a tin of tuna up, or the sixth sense you have gone to the fridge for ham or lamb. At a year old when our first Pekin chicks turned up and were big enough to go into the back garden, Darshini was let out. She never went outside the small walled garden. She uses one plant pot as a litter tray, watches birds but never catches them, her amusement is her bantams. She is a good rat catcher, and has had a fight with a fox with no harm to herself. Personality is great, (the local vet informs me all the other owners say the same, as there is a high population where I live). Very kind and loyal, may run from strangers, will tell you when she wants to play, but also will accept to be told to shut up and will entertain herself by having a funny five minutes on her own. My only regret is she is a cat and she is now 7 so she will not be around as long as the children. She does have the recommended numerous names, including: Her pedigree name (Indian meaning of Priyadarshini is: Delightful to look at) for short Darshini, beautiful, ringed tailed lemur amognst others some can not be printed. Locals call me the chicken lady as I hatch a brood every year, but Darshini would hate for me to be the Cat Lady as she is more than content with her lot!! Check the breeder out before you buy, Darshini was not released until 14 weeks, and was kept as a house kitten with the family and dog for the last 2 weeks.