Cirneco Dell'Etna Dogs

This small hound originates from Sicily, specifically the Mount Etna region. It was used here by locals to hunt rabbit and hare, and is renowned for its ability to work for long periods of time without food or water. They have an excellent nose for scent and move quickly over harsh terrain. The Cirneco Dell'Etna is the smallest of the hunting hounds from the Mediterranean Islands and is now mainly kept as a pet and show dog.
The Cirneco Dell’Etna is a friendly and active dog that will enjoy the company of people. Once properly socialised they will get along fine with strangers and be a great addition to the family. However they are still hounds, meaning it is their natural instinct to chase smaller animals such as cats. They should be fine with your other household pets if brought up with them. When it comes to other dogs, this breed is relatively friendly and will usually get along well with other canines. They are sociable dogs, and rarely get aggressive. Just make sure to keep an eye on any kids that may be playing with your dog, as the Cirneco is a sensitive breed and dislikes rough play. Their friendly, outgoing nature makes them good with children (as long as the child isnt provoking/being too rough with the dog). They thrive on affection and will love to cuddle up with you at any chance they get. Keeping them off your couch or bed will be a hard task, as they will love snuggling up under your duvet.
Cirnechi (plural) are clever and will be quick learners, but they do have a short attention span and will become bored with longer training sessions or multiple training sessions throughout the day. They will, however, respond well to short sessions with lots of positive reinforcement and praise to encourage them. They are very agile and often rank high in agility competitions. They can also make for a great therapy dog, as they love the attention.
These are very energetic dogs and they will need a fair amount of daily exercise to keep them satisfied. Long walks and a chance to run will keep their minds and bodies active and prevent boredom. However, due to the fact that they are sight hounds, they can race off, at surprisingly high speeds, if they spot something so it is best to walk them in a safe area or on a lead. They will make great jogging partners as they have lots of stamina and enjoy running. Gardens should be well fenced as they are expert climbers and jumpers. They are also keen diggers so to prevent damage to your garden it may be best to invest in a sand-pit. They can be obsessive dogs and will happily play with one toy for hours on end. If they receive the right amount of exercise they will be calm and placid in the home. They sport a short coat which is classed as low-maintenance. The coat should go through a quick grooming session twice a week, ideally with a hound glove or rubber glove to keep it clean and remove dead hair. They dislike having their paws touched which may make nail clipping a bit harder, try getting them used to it from a young age toi avoid this problem. They are a healthy breed with no major hereditary problems. Due to their short fur and lack of fat paired with thin skin they are more susceptible to cuts and scrapes and may need a coat during the winter months, especially in colder environments further north.
Breed Details
- Status: Rare
- Classification: Dog
- Life Expectancy: 12 - 15 years +
- Weight: 18 - 26 pounds
- Height: 17 - 20 "
- Rare: No
- Coat: Medium
- Grooming Requirements: More than once per week
- Town or Country: Country
- Minimum Home Size: Small House
- Minimum Garden Size: Small to Medium Garden
- Breed Type: Hound
- Size: Medium
- Energy Level: High
- Exercise Required: Over 2 hours