Texel Guinea Pigs

Breed Rating (5 Reviews)
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Latest Reviews For Texel (5 of 5)
Cute little fluffball - Jemima,
Our Texel is called George. He’s a huge ball of fuzzy hair. It can get knotty when not brushed though. We’ve tried getting into the habit of brushing him everyday but it’s a struggle!
Wonderful little Piggie - Susan,
I have a texel GP that has a white collar and a black bottom. She has one side of her face is red the other black. She's such a cutie. She really has a great personality. She loves to run around in her play pen. She also likes to cuddle while she eats her carrots.
Amazing pigs that like to explore! - Steve,
We love our Texel pig, he likes exploring and jumping into paper bags! Texels are more inquistive than other pigs but also show lots of intelligence. They do need more attention than other varieties, we trim the fur twice a year to ensure no knots or fur matting occurs.
Not for first time owners - Countrysidecavies@Hotmail,
I've had a texel and although they are brilliant piggies for friendlyness their coat need's alot of looking after. It needs brushing everyday and will often still get matted due to the curliness. Not a very good choice for a first piggie.
Very cute but not for beginners - An Omleteer,
i had a textle a few years ago she had the sweetest nature although her coat was hard to look after. i had to give her regular baths to keep her clean and stop her fur matting up aswell as cliping her in the summer . i wouldn't say they were easy to look after but mine was very sweet natured and cuddly.