French Lop Rabbits

Breed Rating (17 Reviews)
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French Lop History
The French Lop is a very large rabbit, weighing more than 10lb (4.5kg) with lop ears and an almost cubic appearance with a short thickset body and large head. The front legs are short and straight and the hind legs are carried parallel to the body.
French Lop Behaviour
French Lop Varieties
French Lop Status
French Lop Pictures

French Lop For Sale
Latest Reviews For French Lop (5 of 17)
Full of personality and affectionate - Stacey,
I have a male French Lop and a female mini Lop (both are spayed/neutered) and live as house rabbits. My French Lop is the closest thing you will get to a puppy. He is affectionate, follows me around the house and jumps on my lap when I sit down. He is friendlier than my mini Lop and less skittish. Now for the down side, he took longer to housebreak than my mini Lop. His litter box needs to be changed every 2 days because of his size, and I use 3 times more food, hay, vegetables and litter than I use for the mini Lop . If you have children, I highly recommend a French Lop, many people say children shouldn't have pet rabbits but I disagree. A responsible older child could easily care for any rabbit. My 3 year old grandson runs around all day and the French Lop has no fear of him at all, he pushes my grandsons toys across the floor and they interact very well together. If my grandson is playing loudly, my French Lop is completely calm, nothing bothers him. Unfortunately, my mini Lop wants nothing to do with my grandson and hides from him. I've always had pet rabbits and of all the different breeds I have had the French Lop and Flemish Giant have been the friendliest and best with children.(French lops are cross bred from an English Lop and a Flemish Giant, so they have similar temperments ) If you can keep either of them as house rabbits and litter train them, they will be as affectionate as dogs and great with children.
Aren't the Best Pets - Christa,
They can be very hormonal and temperamental. Very good for experienced rabbit owners, but not newbies.
great pets really affectionate - Flufy,
I have had my French lip for 7 months and she is the best thing in the world. Her fur color is blue and she loves to have her forehead rubbed. She has gotten me through some tough times, I suffer from depression. I call her my therapy bunny because she always shows me love and affection.
I love french lops for there fluffy fur - Hersheybunny,
- Delia,
I have a 8 month old french lop basil she is beautiful and big 18lbs.