Harlequin Rabbits

Harlequin History
The Harlequin is considered one of the oldest breeds of rabbit with its history dating back to the 1880s. It began its development in France by crossing semi-wild Tortoiseshell Dutch rabbits with legitimately wild rabbits. These crossings produced the first Harlequin rabbits albeit with less than desirable markings.
The first Harlequins were exhibited in Paris in 1887 and were imported into England a few years later. Originally Harlequins were called the Japanese but during WW2 the name was changed.
Harlequins were used for meat during WW2. Harlequins are nicknamed the jester of rabbits because of their color separations and markings.
Harlequins are a shade of orange with markings in another colour like black, blue, brown or lilac. Another variation known as the Magpie is the same as the Harlequin except they have a consistent white coat with markings of the other colours.
Harlequin Behaviour
Harlequins make good house pets because they are intelligent enough to be litter trained and respond to their own name. Their playful and docile temperament make them a good choice for families with children.
Harlequin Varieties
Black Harlequin. Blue Harlequin. Brown Harlequin. Lilac Harlequin. Black Magpie. Blue Magpie. Brown Magpie. Lilac Magpie.
Harlequin Status
Harlequin Pictures

Harlequin For Sale
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All animals listed here are for collection only. They cannot be delivered by the seller or by Omlet. The seller will send you their contact details to arrange payment and collection.
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