Silver Fox Rabbits

Breed Rating (12 Reviews)
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Silver Fox For Sale
Latest Reviews For Silver Fox (5 of 12)
British Standard Silver Fox - Sarah,
The Silver Fox (known as Silver Marten in the United States) is a strikingly beautiful rabbit. It's white ticking is unique to the breed and creates a wonderful contrast with its solid body colour. These are increasingly rare as both a pet and a show rabbit and I would encourage those thinking of breeding for show and conservation to consider the Silver Fox - you won't regret it!
- An Omleteer,
We have a Silver Fox crossed with a Dutch dwarf. She is a beautiful rabbit and the vets have remarked what a good looking rabbit she is. Very friendly and loves being stroked and will sit for ages enjoying it. Her fur is silky soft even when she is going through her major moult. We love her and at 8 years old she still runs around the garden every day.
Wrong Brred - Allison,
That is a sliver martin not a sliver fox !!!;;;
K3 silver foxes - Jrabbit,
your picture on the sight was a sliver martin not a silver fox. i have one and they are not popular at all and most people dont even know the breed. i love the breed. they are so docial and sweet. thank you
Wispper - Ella,
I have a black Silver Fox rabbit with brown eyes. She is very friendly and never bites or scratches. She can go outside without a lead because she never runs away and she used to be an amazing jumper and runner but she is to old now. She is 7 years old and would fall over if she tried a jump but can still run quite fast. She can be handled very easily and makes a very good show rabbit because whenever I take her to the Marymas fair their is a pet show and I enter her and my dog Cody. Apart from Wispper their are normally about 30 dogs and she always looks very calm and wins 1st place!