Friendly cats are not limited to the following breeds, but the ones listed here are among the sure-fire softies.
1 - Persian

The highly sociable and friendly Persian cat
Persian cats are friendly, sociable and can be very loving. They enjoy snuggling up with their favourite human and many have a very laid back and relaxed nature. This is definitely a cat that looks forward to you getting back from work so you can pay them some attention.
2 - Exotic Shorthair

A silver spotted Exotic Shorthair cat brightening up the garden
Docile lap-lovers that crave fuss and affection. Not the most active of breeds, but definitely one for the owner who wants to cuddle their cat!
3 - Abyssinian

The friendly Abyssinian cat loves to interact with people
Eager to greet you when you return home, and friendly with strangers and other pet cats too. Will come and check up on you regularly throughout the day, with reassuring meows!
4 - Burmese

Burmese cats are laid back pets
Super-affectionate, they love curling up on the sofa with their favorite human.
5 - Maine Coon

A great big softie - the Maine Coon loves lots of attention
Confident and affectionate, without demanding attention (like certain other breeds!) Likes to hold a conversation, with a repertoire of meows.
6 - Ragdoll

The Ragdoll cat goes all floppy with pleasure when you go in for a cuddle
Friendliest breed? Quite possibly. Laid back and cuddly, the perfect companion cat. Affection + lap = happy cat.
7 - Sphynx

The striking Sphynx cat is a playful companion
The Sphynx is super-friendly, and is probably the most reliant on humans of all breeds.
8 - Non-Pedigree Cats

Many cross-breed cats prove to be as friendly as could be, given a loving home and plenty of attention
You might think finding a friendly cross-breed cat was a lottery. But the fact is, most cats will turn our friendly and affectionate as long as you treat them right and show lots of affection yourself.
Paw, 30 November 2024
It is an informative comment. Very happy to reading this article. We should take time while choosing cat breeds. I have also a content based on cat breeds. Here is my article <a href=""cat breeds</a>
Maria, 14 March 2022
Looking to adopt a Maine coon kitten or Persian or rag doll
Jane, 11 July 2021
My last kitty was a feral Siamese. She lived with me 13 years. I have had two Abby./cats and several mixes. As a senior citizen I am looking for a new friend. As I have a small apartment, I don’t have trees to climb. Send me an email if you have a kitten or a cat that wants a new home.
Amanda, 11 June 2021
I have a 10 month old Ragdoll male kitten. He is the sweetest, most lovable cat to ever walk the planet... LOL. He’s loyal and comes when called like a dog does, and can sense when I’m sad or not feeling well. I have 3 cats, but never met another feline like my Ragdoll Archie. He’s awesome. I highly recommend these kitties to anyone who wants a cat who loves you like a dog.
Marsha, 3 March 2021
Looking for 2 siblings, 8wks old, litter box trained. Prefer one orange tabby and one black/black and white stripped, Persian, Burmese, Abyssian, Exotic Short Hair or cuddly loves