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Comments for Finch Feather Problems

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Jagadeesh, 6 August 2019

I having six finches but one was gon in the looseig feather diese only five is more but tow finches also same position. so what can I do for save my finches please give your remedy. Please healp me.

Irene, 6 July 2019

I have 8 finch 6 male 2 female is losing alot of feathers normal. And there is alwsys new eggs but i get rid of them. Am i stressing them out. And if so wat should i do.

Zaira, 2 June 2019

I bought a finch and has no tail. Will he develop one later or he was born deffective. He cant fly.

George, 26 April 2019

My canary has scaly fingers.I am using Bird Bath Spray,the scales disappear,but overnight they grow back again.Is there any help? Thanks!

Allison, 25 March 2019

Hello, a small house finch in my yard was grabbed by my cat and brought into the house. We were able to retrieve him but he lost two of his tail feathers. It appears he has one left. Can he fly or do I need to keep him in a cage until the feathers grow back? Thanks to any and all who can help with this question.

Stephanie, 15 March 2019

Help! Got a second Gouldian male. He began to lose feathers. Vet said it was the other male (no females) harassing him. Put him in a flight cage with a female cordon bleu (she tends to egg binding so separated from the male for a few months). All very peaceable, but he is losing more feathers. Is scratching the back of his neck rather badly. Saw your suggestion about jute toys. Need to find more - he had been showing very slight interest in the one. Would getting a female (or two females) help or simply add to the problems?

Daniel, 3 March 2019

Is there any live food my social finches will eat? Is there any live plants that they like and would like in the cage? Plz let me know, i have 3 finches all males. Thanks.

Bryce, 5 February 2019

Hello I have 2 Zebra Finches both are females I had a 3rd Zebra Finch as one of the original 2 I first got but she died 2 years ago and I miss her dearly and I noticed after she had been gone for a week that the other Zebra Finch was starting to grieve herself to death, she refused to eat and slept all day, wasn't active, so I decided to get another Zebra Finch, when I brought the other Zebra Finch home and introduced her to my other Zebra Finch that was grieving herself to death, I had noticed that she came out of grieving and started to chirp with the new Zebra Finch and within the first hour of having the new Zebra Finch she was so happy and I was too, I was also happy to see her come out of grieving, but then about a month later after getting the new Zebra Finch, I started to notice that the new Zebra Finch was bullying the other Zebra Finch, she was plucking her feathers, pecking her on top of her head, and when the other Zebra Finch would fly away she would chase her and continuously peck her on the head, and it has gradually gotten worse and the other bird that had once grieved the loss of her beloved sister, has now lost the ability to fly and is also losing her feathers on her whole head, and I am not sure if it is a disease that is causing this or if it is the other Zebra Finch bullying her or if it is a combination of both? So I am worried about her and I am also scared that I am going to end up losing her too, or if it is something I should just keep an eye on, and not worry myself too much on. So I ask everyone that has an idea on what it could be please tell me, or even if you have gone through the same thing please tell me!

Jenny, 27 October 2018

Hello I have 4 zebra finch 2 female 2 males and the 2 females are constantly fighting with each other and one its losing her feathers. Is this normal?

Edward, 18 October 2018

I've got a goldfinch canary mule stopped singing. when in moult.out of moult now still not singing it lively fit no health problems what can I do to engorged it to sing again

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