Even the most experienced gerbil owner sometimes comes across issues or questions they can't immediately answer. Whether you’re a veteran gerbil keeper or a novice, the following Q&As will help with a number of different topics.

Gerbil question? Search here for your gerbil answer!
This section of the Omlet Gerbil Guide includes information on a number of different questions owners have asked, ranging from bar chewing to strange gerbil behavior. We hope you’ll find the answers you need here, but there's plenty more on this website, and there are lots of great gerbil books available too. And don't forget to tap into local expertise, and the know-how of your small mammal vet.
Christina, 27 April 2023
Hello i just became a gerbil pet owner:) i got it from a pet store so u can guess all the misinformation i was given- contrary to my research results.i assumed my research was wrong bc why wud the pet shop worker be telling me lies?-well jus discovered the inhumane and money hungry ideals of pet shops:(the list is long but im on day 2 and have to start over w cave,food,bedding etc.trading in the plastic tubey cage for a big aquarium for starters and the essentials that will need to come W it-since the original cage came make W all those…she looks a bit unhealthy and her coat is mangey a lil bit and not shiny.she is alone bc we were told to wait to get her a mate(another lie told by the pet shop)she is the sweetest thing and i just want her to be set up for success. Please 🙏 keep me around this page
Anonymous, 4 March 2021
I have had my gerbils for about 3 months, but they are still terrified of me, is there something i should do?
Nikole(Portland, 26 August 2019
When going to adopt some gerbils, my fiance and I had decided on getting a pair that were together in the pet store. When we went back, one had been adopted, so we only adopted one gerbil. A couple weeks after reading, doing research, etc...we decided we wanted to adopt another so our Cinder had a friend. We called ahead to ask some questions about introducing a new gerbil to ours after having her for about 2-3 weeks. He gave us some tips, said it should be fine. When going in the next day, a different employee scared us, saying they will just fight, most likely end up waking up to having a dead gerbil in our cage. Obviously, we decided against it, terrified our Cinder would end up dead in her cage. It's been about a month in a half now, and I keep reading that they get lonely by themselves, but am so terrified of one dying or that we waited to long because of what that employee said, I don't know what to do!!! I really want our gerbil to have a friend, and am not sure what the next step is! Any help would be appreciated.
An Omleteer, 20 March 2019
One of my gerbils keep on biting one of the others. What should I do? There is no blood(I think). But there is hAir loss.