There are lots of things you can do to improve the life of your pets
A Warm, Clean Home
Like humans, guinea pigs will only really be happy if they’re in a good environment. They will need a sturdy, secure home with plenty of clean bedding. Have a look at our hutches section for advice on the best guinea pig homes for your pets.
Once you’ve purchased your hutch, you’ll need to think carefully about where to place it. Are your guinea pigs in a nice, quiet area that your other pets can’t get to? Are they in a space that is free from draughts, humidity and chemicals? We’ve created a ‘Where to Put My Guinea Pig Hutch’ section to give you a hand with choosing the right area. -
A Balanced Diet
Guinea pigs need a variety of vitamins and minerals to be fit and healthy, but vitamin C is especially vital in maintaining a healthy body. Each day, your pets will need fresh food and dry food, clean water and hay. Have a look at our Guinea Pig Care section for more information.
A Safe Space To Run Around
Guinea pigs love getting out of their hutch and having a good time with their friends. Guinea pig runs are the perfect space for them to do this, and they come attached to the hutch in the Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch unit. If you’ve got a traditional wooden hutch, then it’s a good idea to purchase a guinea pig run, and to move your guinea pigs between the hutch and the run each morning and evening when the weather is fine. Be sure to move a hideaway with them so that they have some shelter, as well as all their food and water too. For more information on keeping your guinea pigs safe in their run, and some advice on where to place it, have a look at our hutches section.
Good Health
Guinea pigs get very depressed when they’re unwell and in pain. For this reason, it’s a good idea to give your guinea pigs regular health checks and monthly anti-parasite shampoos. Keep an eye on your guinea pigs and their home, and if you notice anything out of the ordinary then take action quickly. Guinea pigs are prey animals in the wild and so are extremely good at hiding their health problems, so when an issue become obvious it’s often serious. For more information on thoroughly checking your guinea pig for health problems, have a look at our Guinea Pig Care entries. -
Guinea Pig Companions
Guinea pigs are herd animals, and so we really can’t stress enough how much they need a guinea pig companion. As an owner, you can be incredibly affectionate, and have a really strong bond with your pet, but they will still crave a companion of the same species. Unfortunately, rabbits aren’t a good substitute as they are easily capable of accidentally injuring your guinea pig, and the two species don’t have the same communication systems.
If you’re concerned about the cost associated with adding another guinea pig, guinea pigs can be adopted from shelters for very little money (approximately twenty pounds) and it doesn’t double maintenance costs. If your guinea pig doesn’t get on well with others, then try getting a younger guinea pig of the same gender, as they’re less likely to perceive this animal as a threat. Have a look at our ‘How to Introduce’ section for more information.
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