Guinea pigs very quickly get used to a routine of feeding, cleaning and human interaction. They will soon be greeting you with welcoming squeaks when they hear you open the door or rustle the food and hay bags.
Human contact
As part of the GP care routine, you should check on them at least twice a day, morning and evening. Guinea pigs love human company, though, so the more time you can spend with them, the happier they'll be.
Guinea pigs love their food, and eating takes up much of their day. It's at feeding time that you'll be rewarded with the loudest and happiest squeaks of all! Give them a bowl of dry mix in the morning, along with some chopped fresh food. If outdoors in their Eglu or other run they will be able to graze on the grass, and in the evening you can refresh their hay supply for overnight.

This brown Coronet Guinea Pig is ready to be looked after!
Fresh water
The guinea pigs' water bottle should be refilled daily, and needs to be available at all times. If the weather is cold, be aware that the water will freeze. You'll need to thaw and refill the bottle more frequently.
Clean the enclosure
Housekeeping and cleanliness is very important. Guinea pigs' bedding should be changed regularly. Guinea pigs can't be trained to use a litter tray, and although they may favor certain areas of their enclosure, they will go to the bathroom anywhere they like. The Eglu comes into its own here, being quick and easy to clean.
Nicole, 25 March 2021
I just recently adopted a guinea pig for my daughter for xmas 2020 and we named her Mocha! She is beautiful tan color with dark mocha color patches and is absolutely adorable. she is about 2 n half months old. This website has been super helpful. I already feed her bell pepper and cabbage twice daily and small amounts along with a non stop supply of her normal diet food. And unlimited supply of hay. I'm slowly adding other veggies like cucumbers and carrots as well. We just adopted a second one for my son and named her Caramel. She is about 4 months old and solid caramel color. Mocha actually squeaks and whistles almost every time I get home when she hears me until I get her fresh cabbage and bell pepper. It's so amazing to see how intelligent they are and routine is key! We still learning every day new things but I have never been more happy to have a pet as I am with these 2 ????
Lee, 26 September 2017
I take and put clean shavings in my piggies cage. I put clean shavings in the litter pan. Then I put it in the corner and sprinkle some of the soiled shavings over the clean in the potty box. They will use the litter pan more than the all over the cage. I have done this with several Guinea Pigs.
Jerrica, 3 August 2017
I have two guinea pigs, one is about 2 his name is Charlie he's orange and black with little swirls in his fur :) and the others name is Tanner, he's just a baby only about 2.5 months old, he's brown with a big white spot on his head and on his chin. They are amazing pets and need lots of attention I believe that's something people should be told. Most people think they can just get a guinea pig and put it in a cage and see him as you walk by but they need just as much attention as a 2 year old baby for sure. I don't mind though they are just like my baby's lol. Love my charlie boy and tanner baby
Rebecca, 6 August 2016
Although I think the Omlet range is great, and the website is well thought-out and has plenty of useful information, as an avian and exotics veterinarian, I am concerned about the dietary advice given for guinea pigs and rabbits on this website. Both guinea pigs and rabbits should be provided unlimited hay daily for dental and gastrointestinal health. The hay provided should be (high fibre, high quality, long stem grassy) - e.g. Timothy hay, Oaten Hay, Pasture or Meadow Hay. 75-80% of the diet should be hay and it should be provided at all times. Vegetables and extruded pellets fortified with Vitamin C can be provided in small amounts in addition to hay, however seed and grain mix are definitely not recommended for guinea pigs or rabbits - it is very important to differentiate between the two when advising that guinea pigs and rabbits should be fed a bowl of "dry mix", even if it is labelled as "complete" or has a picture of a guinea pig or rabbit on the packaging. Dental disease is extremely common in pet guinea pigs, and is probably the top presenting complaint to veterinary practices.
Soon-, 26 February 2012
I liked how it gives you very basic information. I want a guinea pig, and my mom wants me a rabbit. Any suggestions that would change her mind? We will be getting one in four months. Overall, great site!