Your guinea pigs' hutch is their main home. You can opt for a modern set-up like the Eglu Go Guinea Pig Hutch, or a traditional wooden hutch. Whichever you choose, setting it up in the right place requires a bit of thought.
This section of the Omlet Guinea Pig Guide includes information on the types of hutch available, where to put them, how to add a guinea pig run, and more.
A good hutch is central to guinea pigs' wellbeing. In this secure environment they will sleep, eat, socialise, and exercise. They'll spend the vast majority of their time here, so it's best to go for the best you can. A cheap hutch will need replacing after a few years, but a good, robust model will last several generations of guinea pigs.
Georgiana, 13 January 2017
I am getting two guinea pigs soon and so i was wondering whether the Eglu go guinea pig hutch is suitable for an indoor hutch as well as it being a all weatherproof hutch for outside.