The combination of old and young guinea pigs usually works fine. The older GPs are unlikely to view the youngsters as a threat, so old/young pairs should be a okay. Keep a close eye on them, though, over the first few hours, to make sure they're getting on. Check out the introducing guinea pigs section of this Guide for general tips on helping those introductions go smoothly.

Old and young guinea pigs can get on just fine
In addition to making sure the older guinea pig isn't bullying the younger one, you also need to be aware that female guinea pigs reach sexual maturity swiftly, and can become pregnant at just five weeks of age (and if they do, it's bad for their health prospects). Your young/old combinations need to bear this in mind. Same-sex set-ups can work best.
Quinlin, 10 April 2020
I have 2 baby guinea pigs and they're in a separate cage than the adult female but her cage is bug-fested and need to get rid of it. Can I put her in the babies cage? They're all girls btw.
Kiley, 13 March 2020
My guinea pig just passed away and I dont want the other one to be lonely. The new guinea pig is probably going to be a baby. Can i put them in the same cage together with and adult male?
Darren, 5 July 2019
i have just brought a new cage for my guinea pig who has just loss her friend .will it be ok to put her in new cage or will it make ill being so soon after loss
Kadence, 4 March 2019
So, I have a male adult guinea pig and a baby guinea, but it's old enough to be separated from the mother. Is it safe to try to get my male adult guinea pig and the baby male to bond, so I can put them in the same cage?