When it comes to feeding hamsters, it might be best to stick to a list of what hamsters can eat rather than what they can’t. If you’re not sure whether or not your hamster can eat a certain food, it’s better to be safe than sorry and to not offer it to them. Although it’s tempting to offer your pet foods that you enjoy, they could be detrimental to your pet’s health, especially foodstuffs such as sweets and chocolate. If you want to treat your pet, try to figure out their favourite fruit, or purchase some special hamster treats from our website or your local pet shop.
Some foods are really bad for your pet's health - including muffins!
Freshoods Not Suitable For Hamsters (NOTE: this list is non-exhaustive):
- Aubergine
- Acorns
- Buttercups
- Bluebells
- Bindweed
- Citrus fruits
- Elder
- Garlic
- Leeks
- Privet
- Rhubarb
- Onions
- Any un-ripe fresh food
- Any over-ripe fresh food
- Any processed ‘human food’, sweets, chocolate, etc.
Other Foods Not Suitable For Hamsters
- Dairy products
- Biscuits
- Bread
- Chips
- Chocolate (unless specifically made for hamsters)
- Dairy products
- Biscuits
- House and garden plants - not all, but better safe than sorry
- Jam
- Pasta
- Sweets
Hamsters can eat a lot of different fruits and vegetables, as well as a number of seeds and grains. We’ve made a list of some great foods that hamsters can enjoy safely, on the following page.
Kaitlyn, 12 April 2021
I think my hamster is allergic to Brussel sprouts but I don't no for sure because he has a big bump on his face so how do i tell that he is for sure?