Your new pet parakeet's journey from store to home should be as short as possible. If possible, get your parakeets from a breeder or pet store close to home.
Parakeet Transport Box
Your new parakeet will have to be transported home in a box. In a cage, the bird is liable to panic, but a box is dark and makes the bird feel relatively safe. A parakeet in a cage, even a covered one, will flap around in panic and can injure or even kill itself.

A box custom-made for carrying small animals
The breeders or store will be able to supply a small purpose-made box for taking your new pet home; although a normal shoe box with a secured lid and air holes is an acceptable substitute. Make sure there’s something on the bottom of the box – a small towel – to stop the parakeet from sliding around.
Sonia, 17 January 2024
Hi, how long can I keep my new budgie in box when transporting it from shop to my home, I live 20 minutes away from shop will that be too long a journey?
Esme, 7 January 2018
Thanks! I have been looking at getting a bird but the breeder is 40 mins from my home. I thought that I had to spend £10 on a carrier I will probably never use again.