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Rabbit Food

Thankfully, due to the wide array of specialized food mixes and pellets, it is quite easy to provide your rabbit with all the vitamins and minerals that they will need. The bulk of your rabbit's food should be hay, supplemented with dry pellets and fresh veg. It is important to give your rabbits a balanced and varied diet to ensure that they are in top-notch health. For more help and advice on meeting all of your rabbits dietary needs, read on.

Rabbit feeding
Your pet rabbit should be kept on a healthy diet

This section of the guide will go over all the most important aspects of feeding your rabbits, from providing food for your juvenile rabbits, introducing a new diet and most importantly, what your rabbits can and can’t eat. If you’re in any doubt, keep it away from your rabbits. Rabbits have a very different digestive system to ours, so it’s better to be cautious about anything you’re not sure about.

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Morehappawness, 24 January 2022

My rabbit only likes to eat vegetables like carrots, potatoes...and nuts. So is there enough nutrients and safe for it?