Whilst rabbits need fresh food and unlimited hay every day, their pellet needs can be met by a timed food dispenser. These may be a little big for the average hutch, but house rabbits can use them.
It is recommended to put your rabbit’s hay in a hay dispenser. This may sound a little complicated, but in reality it is simply a little rack that sits in your rabbit’s hutch that they can eat from. A dispenser ensures that the hay they are eating is clean, and it stops them from eating their bedding which they often use as their toilet.

Rabbits spend a large part of the day eating!
A dispenser will be especially useful if you opt to go for some specialty hay options, such as nutritionally fortified hay. Putting the material in the dispenser ensures that it won't get mixed in with the rabbit’s bedding and allows you to bypass it easily when you come to clean out the hutch.
Dispensers are especially useful if you want to use specialty hay options, such as nutritionally-fortified hay. Putting this material in the dispenser ensures that it’s kept separate from the bedding hay, allowing you to bypass it easily when you come to clean, and ensuring that your rabbits won’t get it dirty.
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