You can get away with cleaning out the entire hutch only once or twice a week, but it is highly advisable that you at least clean out the lavatory section of the hutch every single day. Not only will this create a nice environment for your pets to live in, but will also reduce the chances of them contracting nasty diseases such as flystrike.

It's important to clean your rabbits' hutch on a regular basis, particularly in the summer
Rabbits are generally rather clean creatures and will choose 1 or 2 dedicated toilet areas which they will stick to. This makes the cleaning process a whole lot easier as all you need to do is sweep the droppings out and throw them away.
As for the rest of the rabbit hutch, it will be a good idea to change the lining and bedding once or twice a week if you have two rabbits. If you have very young rabbits you will need to change the bedding daily.
Cara, 16 March 2022
Hi, I was wondering how you recommend cleaning the run portion of the 6 foot rabbit run/hutch system. It seems difficult for an adult to be able to fit inside and I'd love some experienced rabbit owners to give input on how they keep the entire system clean. Thanks!