Just like all other creatures, rabbits need exercise to maintain a healthy body. Rabbits have been built for running, and if you’ve ever seen them doing this you’ll know that they can reach surprisingly fast speeds. Rabbits will love an opportunity to stretch their legs, and you may see them play-fighting and chasing one another around their runs. Their powerful back legs help propel them at high speeds.

All rabbits need space to exercise in, including this Netherlands Dwarf
Being herbivores, wild rabbits are prey to a lot of things - foxes, stoats and birds of prey are just a few. Rabbits can’t defend themselves from these creatures all too well, so their main means of protection is to run away, fast, and preferably into their warren.
Simply providing your rabbits with a large enough run that they can hop and jog around in will satisfy their exercise needs. Ideally these runs should be accessible at all times as rabbits do most of their outdoor adventuring at dawn and dusk.
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