Building a maze will be a lot of fun for all parties involved - it's a great way of spending a Saturday afternoon with your pets. Not only will you have fun building this for your rabbits, but you will be able to enjoy watching your bunnies trying to figure out the puzzle. They get a lot of stimulation from it.

Rabbits love mazes!
A maze doesn’t have to be brought from a shop and can be easily constructed at home using simple materials such as cardboard and hay. Just make sure that the walls of the run are secure and won’t fall, potentially hurting your pets. Also make sure not to leave the rabbits in there for too long, whilst it is fun for them, if they spend too long in there they may become stressed. If you see any signs of stress in your rabbits, simply gently pick them up and place them back into the comfort of their hutch.
Jimmy, 27 May 2021
the information was so helpful for my learning about rabbit keeping