Verified Reviews for Eglu Cube® - Large Chicken Coops with Runs
Quick and easy to clean, chimkins safe at night
Box arrived damaged and some parts were damaged too, but omlet customer support was fantastic in rectifying the problem and sent out replacement parts straight away. I made this up by myself and it went ok, few fiddly areas and I'm not the smallest or nimblest of people, but once the base was in place was pretty straight forward. Took about 3 hours in total. Looks great. And gives peace of mind at night fir the safety of my chimkins. I do have an automatic door too, had an issue with screw size as nearly went thru the front so be careful to pick up the correct screw.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
The reviewer has 10+ Bantam Roo and hybri pets
Once assembled, it’s wonderful.
We opted for wheels, auto door, run extension, light. It took two days to assemble and often required disassembly to correct errors. Guides were somewhat contradictory in that it would have you complete steps and then later in instructions, would be repeated again (after already being completed). Nevertheless, I persevered and it is wonderful now that it is completed.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Leaf Green
The reviewer has 4-6 RIR, NHR, EE, barnya pets
Superb Investment. Very happy Indeed. Great build quality
We decided on the Eglu Cube after needing to repair an old and large woodern chicken house. The Cube arrived very quickly and was very easy to out together. I was amazed at the quality of the parts and the ease with which it was put together. We opted for the auto-close door which works very well. I like the abvility to clean it easily and the fact that it would be difficult for red mite to establish in the chicken run. The chickens took to it in no time at all and seem very happy and content. Cannot see any room for improvment except the ability to install a rollaway nest box although we haven't had any issues with egg eating yet although we do have some wooden eggs in situ.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop - Green
The reviewer has 4-6 Mixed Breeds pets
Really impressed
Fast delivery. Easy to read instructions plus step by step video available on website of how to build. Excellent quality.I am not particularly handy when it comes to building things but managed to put it together on my own with relative ease. Looks absolutely fantastic. Chicks too young to use yet (5 weeks old) but it looks perfect for them. Had trouble with scaley leg mites in past with wooden coop which is one of the reasons I've opted for an Eglu cube as it will be super easy to keep clean and avoid mites. Very happy.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
The reviewer has 4-6 Sussex pets
Auto door
Purchased and installed the auto door, great choice! Delivery was timely, installation into the old coop was really easy and most importantly, worked first time and the chooks had no issues with it.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
The reviewer has 2-4 Mixed pets
i bought an early one of these when they first introduced them. (i already had an omlet which is also still going strong & I use for broody mamas with their new chicks.)
I think that it is a wonderful product so easy to clean. My chooks have never had red mite or indeed any kind of mite are rarely ill and love the coop. I did redesign the ladder but I see that omlet have also done this too.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
The reviewer has 8-10 MAINLY SILKIES pets
Fantastic Coop....Hen Approved!
Purchased the Omelet Cube with 9 foot run and wheel package for my hens. Living in the New England are, I wanted something portable, easy to maintain and could withstand our harsh winters. The Omlet Cube delivers in all aspects! Safe, Secure, Weather Resistant and my Hens Love their new home. The Cube is Easy to clean, The wheel package makes mobility of the Cube very easy and the fenced run gives my Hens a secure place! Thanks Omlet for a great product!
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Leaf Green
The reviewer has 2-4 Buff's & Leghorns pets
It's a good chicken coop!
Whew, so we finished putting this coop and run together by Mother's Day and I will say that the run kinda kicked our butt BUT only because my hubby tried to rewrite Omelet's instructions!! Just follow the instructions they have and if you're not a limber young person you might want some assistance. I'm 66 and hubby is 75 soooo that caused some issues.
One thing that would make me deliriously happy would be to have a summer egg door and a winter egg door. We live in the horrid heat of east Texas and I'm already trying to configure a summer egg door made with hardware cloth that will let air flow in during the day since the coop simply can't be as cool as I'd like.
All in all it's a cute coop for our backyard. We definitely will have to keep our shade over it in order for our chicks to make it.
Oh, and forget those double clips! I gave up and used all singles and the run is still very strong!
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
The reviewer has 4-6 Three Easter Eggers pets
Extremely functional
Did lots of research on chicken coops and kept on coming back to Omlet. I was afraid it might be too small but in this case function and efficiency made this a very smart purchase on my part. The quality of the parts is evident. Assembly does take some time, but the result is a very secure coop that is easy to clean and harvest eggs. My girls have taken to it and immediately knew when to roost for the night and where to go to lay eggs. The automatic door and light are easy to program.
Very happy with my purchase
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Leaf Green
The reviewer has 2-4 Orpington, Ameurican pets
Cute Coop - once it's constructed
I love this coop, and think the company is 100% quality; however, it has waaaayyyy too many pieces.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Leaf Green
The reviewer has 4-6 pets