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Eglu go
Easy to use and clean. Great delivery and installation.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
Eglu go
Easy to use and clean. Great delivery and installation.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
solid, safe
It works, it is solid and moves as one piece to keep the grass fresh. lying straight on the grass I move it about once a week and the grass grows back in spring and summer. I'll be setting up a winter solution on wood chips. I'm told chickens prefer going up to roost but they seems perfectly happy with this ground level product. It is well made, easy to clean and I feel confident to leave the coop door open because the anti-fox run is so solid - this means I am not tied daily to looking after the hens and can go away for the weekend after making sure they have adequate supplies. I lay newspaper on the bottom tray and change it every three days with three hens. Put this in the compost bin with cardboard your junk mail and, grass clippings to make hot and quick compost. I hose down the top tray once a week. At most, all of this is 30 minutes maintenance a week to keep the hens healthy and happy and to keep me in eggs. I bought a cheap tarp and bungee set to give extra bad weather protection and shade depending on forecast. All a bit pricey in the short term but will last an age and will keep the hens safe without constant attention.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
Way too small!!!
Chris, Oxfordshire,
We purchased an Eglu Go about a year ago to replace our old wooden coop and we then replaced the Eglu with a new wooden coop only a month or so after buying it. The Eglu design is great, it looks good and it is easy to clean but it’s just way way too small. Omlet say you can comfortably fit 4 hens in it; absolute nonsense. Your hens will be comfortable only in the same sense that you can comfortably fit half a dozen people in a wardrobe. It’s barely big enough for 2 hens let alone 3 or 4. I’m sure for the less caring chicken keepers who just want chickens for their eggs rather than their welfare it’s perfect but ask your hens if they’d rather have this Eglu or a more traditional and larger coop and I know which one they’d pick. We actually tried this experiment and gave them the Eglu to choose from, the old wooden coop or the new wooden coop; every night without hesitation they all went for the new coop. That said, it’s really great that Eglu have hit on a more modern and clean coop design which makes keeping chickens more appealing to people. If that means people are taking in rescue hens from their terrible lives on battery farms and giving them a better life then I’m all for it. I’m sure given the choice of a battery cage or an Eglu every chicken on Earth would pick an Eglu. But, given the choice between an Eglu and a larger coop I think they’d move in a heartbeat. If only Eglu would make the same style coop but scale it up to a decent size.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
Girls love it!
Looks smart, easy to clean and the girls are very happy to head off to bed in the evening. I feel confident they are safe, sound and comfortable.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
A very good product perhaps needing the odd tweak
Basically very pleased with this. Daily use very straight forward, easy to clean apart from the front door step which cannot be reached unless you dismantle the house and run or crawl inside! Building the house and run was challenging and it didn't always go together easily some brute force required and in one place some string! Am considering extending the run by a metre to allow my two more room and need to check if it's possible to reposition the door into the run as this could help with cleaning. Also need to check out the larger clear plastic cover for the approaching winter and wondering if it will be strong enough to survive the Orkney wind!
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
Excellant product lasts really well
I have had my Eglu Go for 3.5 years and am really impressed with the quality. Mine has been out all year round in all weathers and this month we moved it. I was amazed at the lack of degeneration of the run (no rust whatsoever) and the Eglu hut itself shows no real signs of wear! I anticipated the little plastic clips snapping when i took the run apart but amazingly NONE of them broke so was able to put back together again with no problems. I look forward to my hens enjoying their Eglu hut & run for many more years!
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
I bought this eglu go as a birthday gift for my mum and it is brilliant! The design is awesome like the pull out tray etc = top marks!!
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
Happy chickens!
We had a bit of a persistant problem with red spider mite in a wodden coop so just bought Eglu Go without run. Very easy to assemble, looks like it will be easy to clean as well. ordered coop on Sunday evening ask when to expect delivery Monday told should be Wednesday arrived 12.00 Tuesday. Can only say what a fantastic delivery service (well done parcel force). Assembeled in half an hour, good build quality and good assembly instructions (I can only assume that those that have struggled have not used the instructions and probably didn't have the correct tools to hand?). The chickens took to new Eglu Go like ducks to water they couldn't be happier! just a small sugguestion could something like a lazy susan be added to your range fro rotating coop in confiend spaces to make maintainance easier, going to DIY something for my self soon but would have purchased had such an accessory been available?
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
Expensive but good
Eglu Go is as expected. I have it with the run extension so total length is 3m for 2 pekins and 2 wyandotte bantams. Plenty of space, looks good and easy to keep clean. The run would be much easier to access and clean if there was some sort of hatch through the roof.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
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