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Easy to clean and maintain
I like how easy it is to open/close and especially to clean though if I could make one change it would be for it to be on a stand so that it is easier to access to retrieve eggs. Obviously, the run would then have to be re thought. The price really is at the top end too when you consider how small it is and how few chickens it houses.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
Pretty Good
Most have said it before, the system is excellent for new 'keepers' if a little pricey; but extremely easy to keep hygienic and clean; my only two criticisms are the distance between the plastic perches and the tray below, not nice to have pooh under your feet or bum; and the laying area needs a better defined boundary to stop naughty girls sleeping there! also.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run - Purple
great and easy way to start keeping chickens
Great and easy way to start keeping chickens.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
Like - Fox proof - so far( and the reason for buying it), low maintenance, easy to clean, easy to move. Don't like (but minor inconveniences):- Access to food container - a lift up section in roof would make this easier, drink container got dirty so replaced by a gravity feed hanging from the roof of pen, not being able to give hens food and water in house. (putting water in my old house in the winter prevented it freezing) and I have not wanted to shut them in the house because of lack of acess to water My hens do not lay in the house and prefer nest boxes.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
fantastic product
Fantastic product.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
Fairly good hen house but not as good as I thought.
The hen house was good but not as good as I thought. It doesn't seem as sturdy as I had hoped for and the ventilation could be a bit better. About 60% happy...don't get me wrong though, I do like it.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
very good
Just a couple of things..............The feed container is just about impossible to open and close, plastic too hard to undo the clips. The nesting area would be much easier to access if it was at the rear of the house rather than the front. Otherwise our 3 new babies now 13 weeks old are enjoying it they are crosses of Buff Orpingtons with among them Black Gers cross and cream chickens. Just now waiting for them to be old enough to produce eggs for us!
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
Easy to clean & looks good
I quite fancy an Eglu myself to camp out in and it would seem my hens fancy house swop too as they are intent on getting into my kitchen ever since they rushed my mother and stole the cats dinner from under his nose (not chicken flavour!). They do seem happy & healthy in their eglu, it is easy to keep clean....even my mother (who is 77) can pull out the tray and empty & clean it. I am now getting regular eggs X2, both in the eglu as initially one hen was intent on her own nest in the flower bed (or what is left of it). I would recommend an 'Eglu go' as a therapeutic and fun venture for all ages.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
The plastic coop is fine, but the wire run needs some attention. An access hatch on the roof of the wire cage would be very useful to aid cleaning and feeding. We are still waiting for a long closing peg for the side access door. A small single was sent and the person who built up the chicken house for us said he would make sure one of the correct size would be posted to us, unfortunately 3 - 4 weeks later nothing has arrived.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
Very satisfied customer
What a great idea - As a new owner of chickens Omlet have been very helpful with all our questions. It arrived on time and was easy to put together. We purchased three medium chickens and they made themselves at home instantly and are very happy. As for cleaning it couldn't be easier - empty the tray in the compost and hose down the trays any stubborn bits come off with a soft brush - and long term there is no maintenance.
Review for: Eglu Go Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
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