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Verified Reviews for Eglu Chicken Coop Runs

Much needed room for a growing family
Susan, North Carolina,
Works great and my hens appreciate the extra room
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 3ft Run Extension
The reviewer has 2-4 Gold star pets
Run extension
Very happy with this. Went together fine. No problems
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 3ft Run Extension
The reviewer has 4-6 Bantams pets
Great little door for run changes
With the avian flu lockdown we have given our chooks a large extended covered run for scratching around which we let them into the part of the day. I have fitted the little door for the ‘go’ run into the side wall of our big walk in run to allow the chickens backwards and forwards between these two runs -it does the job really well.
Review for: Eglu Go - Run End Panel with Door (005.0251)
The reviewer has 2-4 Light Sussex and spe pets
1m extension is a perfect addition ????
June, Down,
Purchased the 1m extension and so glad we did! We feel this gives extra room for our 3 hens to move around and it doesn’t make it any more problematic when changing positions in our garden.
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 3ft Run Extension
Screw pegs
We used them around our chicken coop on the wire we put down to protect our flock, so far they seem to be working wonderfully.
Review for: Omlet Screw Pegs - 12 Pack
very sturdy long pegs - very secure
Louise, Surrey,
The pegs were easy to screw into the lawn and really hold the wire 'skirt' of the run in place, an excellent buy
Review for: Omlet Screw Pegs - 12 Pack
Feel more secure
Peggs are easy to put into the earth and feels more secure
Review for: Omlet Screw Pegs - 12 Pack
Great pegs
Easy to use and particularly easy to see when submerged in my muddy garden. For me, definitely worth buying
Review for: Omlet Screw Pegs - 12 Pack
The ladies really appreciate the extra room
Andrea, Gloucestershire,
It was quite unstable to start with but once it was all attached and the perch added the extra meter on the run made such a difference it was definitely worth the hassle of attaching it to the existing run.
Review for: Eglu Go Up - 3ft Run Extension
Screw pegs
Screw pegs are very robust and really make the difference in ensuring the run is safe. Especially useful as we have undulating ground in the garden due to active moles over the years.
Review for: Omlet Screw Pegs - 12 Pack
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