Verified Reviews for PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hensemble Kit - 5.5 - 7 ft.
Hen's Love it!
The hens absolutely love it. I've 16 hens and during the warmer months some of the hens love to sleep out on the perches. I only had 2 perches before and every night they'd argue over who got a perch. Now we have this any of them that want to sleep out can do. They also use it during the day and it's one of the best things I've bought for them.
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hensemble Kit - 5.5 - 7 ft.
The reviewer has 10+ pets
Easy to put together
I bought this as soon as it became available on the US site, I have been looking at them on the UK site for some time, the design feature was easier to use on the UK - I actually gave up trying to create my own using the US option and I just bought this ready designed - not disappointed at all - easy to put together, arrived quickly and the chucks love it. I will def be expanding on my pole tree in the future. I just wish Omlet made extra nest boxes that could be attached to the Walk in run - I often have a Q waiting for the nest box in mu eglu. 100% would recommend - I also like that it adds extra support to the roof for those times in winter when we have snow, Buy it now before it goes out of stock.
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hensemble Kit - 5.5 - 7 ft.
The reviewer has 6-8 Various pets