Currently, there is a waiting time due to high demand. Please see our Delivery page for more information.

Walk In Chicken Run support center

Walk In Chicken Run support center

Browse our manuals and how-to videos to follow Omlet's expert advice at your pace. Need parts? Check our spares section. FAQs cover common questions, and our Customer Experience Team is always here to help.

Spares & accessories

Find spare parts for your Walk In Chicken Run. Choose a view below to locate and purchase the parts you need.

Outdoor Pet Run - Upper Door
Part No. 041.0228
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Outdoor Pet Run - Bottom Door
Part No.
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12 Tube Clips (11mm) for Raccoon Resistant Run
Part No. 810.0189.012
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12 Mighty Clips C
Part No. 810.0139.012
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12 Tube Clips (11mm) for Raccoon Resistant Run
Part No. 810.0189.012
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12 Mighty Clips C
Part No. 810.0139.012
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12 Mighty Run Clips A
Part No. 810.0024.012000
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Outdoor Pet Run - Upper Door
Part No. 041.0228
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Outdoor Pet Run - Bottom Door
Part No.
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Download our user manuals straight to your device(s).
How to build WIR MK3 in any length
Add an extension to your WIR MK3
How to build WIR MK2 (pre-June 2023) in any length
Add an extension to your WIR MK2 (pre-June 2023)
Eglu Pro - How to attach the Coop connection kit to Walk In Run
Eglu Pro - How to attach the coop run connection kit to Walk In Run
Eglu Cube - How to connect an Eglu Cube with run
Eglu Cube - How to connect an Eglu Cube without run
Eglu Go - How to connect an Eglu Go with run
Eglu Go - How to connect an Eglu Go without run
Eglu Go UP - How to connect an Eglu Go Up with run
How to build the Omlet Run Porch
How to build the Outdoor Run Partition
How to install the run door self kit

Assembly videos

Download our user manuals straight to your device(s).
Walk in Run - How to build an Omlet Walk In Run 2x2x1
Walk In Run - How to add an extension to a Walk-in-Run
Walk In Run - How to build an Omlet Walk In Run 2x2x2
Connection Kits - How to connect an Eglu Cube with run to the Walk In Run
Connection Kits - Connection Kits - How to add an Omlet Go with run to a Walk In Run
Connection Kits - How to add an Omlet Go with run to a Walk In Run
Connection Kits - How to connect an Eglu Go without run

Product FAQs

Is the run predator proof?

While the strong materials and thought out design make it extremely hard for predators to get to your pets, no run is 100% predator proof.

From September 2023, Omlet's Walk in Chicken Run comes with a smaller mesh pitch at the lower half of the run to stop dexterous predators like raccoons from reaching in.

If you live in an area with lots of predators, including wild cats, coyotes and possums, as well as smaller animals like minks and weasels, you might want to consider adding additional protection to the run. If you've seen raccoons around your yard, it's also a good idea to secure doors and latches with extra locks to stop them getting to your flock.

Can I keep the run outside all year round?

The metal chicken runs are designed to be used outdoors for years to come. However, we recommend that you check the run regularly for signs of corrosion, especially if you live somewhere with extreme weather conditions or close to the sea. Corrosion will occur if the coating has been scratched or scraped for example. If you do see some, remove any loose rust and touch up with a weather resistant paint.

If you have covers on your run and experience heavy snowfall it's advised you clear the snow off the roof to avoid the panels being damaged from the weight.

Which size chicken run should I get?

The size of run you need depends on how many chickens you have, the size of your chickens and how much they are allowed to roam free outside the run. Always aim to give your chickens as much space as you can, either by letting them free range in the garden/backyard or by extending the run. If you’re having troubles deciding on what run size to get, feel free to contact our customer services team who will be happy to guide you!

Can I attach the run to a coop or a building?

The Walk In Run can be attached to your house or another building, you can see examples of how other customers have done this in the customer images below. We do however not currently have a ready made solution for this, so we recommend you speak to a DIY specialist to make sure it’s done safely.

All of the Eglu chicken coops can be attached to a Walk In Run using a connection kit. For the Eglu Pro, Eglu Cube and Eglu Go UP, you need to have a 6 ft. run or longer in order to attach the coop. If you have another type of coop it will be possible to attach it, but again you should consult a specialist.

Can I keep chicks in the run?

You should wait until the chicks are at least 6 weeks old before you take them outside. It might be a good idea to keep them separate for the first week so they can get used to being outdoors before having to interact with the rest of the flock, but this depends slightly on the breed and your setup. If it’s cold and wet you might want to wait a bit longer before you introduce them to the outside world.

What are the dimensions of the mesh?

The bottom 20in of the mesh have a mesh pitch of 0.5 in x 2.9 in, and the upper half mesh and the roof panels are 1.9 in. x 2.9 in.

I have a very uneven lawn, can I still use the Walk In Chicken Run?

Yes, you can secure the skirt of the run to the ground with Omlet’s screw pegs to make sure there are no gaps.

Can the run be moved?

It is possible to move the run, but due to the high quality materials even the smallest runs are relatively heavy. If you decide to move the run, we suggest asking for help from at least one other person.

Do I have to have the anti-tunnel skirt attached?

No. The anti-tunnel skirt comes with all runs, whether they are walk in runs for chickens, cats, rabbits or guinea pigs. They are designed to make it hard for predators to access the run. You can choose not to attach it or remove it whenever you want.

Can I place the door anywhere on the run?

Yes, the door can be positioned anywhere on the run, apart from right next to an attached Eglu.

How many covers do I need to cover the roof of my run?

This depends on the size of your run. The covers are wide enough to stretch over one section of your run, so if your run is two sections wide you will need a 6 ft. cover times however long your run is. If your run is three sections wide, you will need a 9 ft. cover times however long your run is.

Can I use the run for other animals, like ducks or quails?

Providing the size of the mesh is suitable for your pets, the run is not restricted to use only with chickens. It is often used as a Walk in Duck Run, for example. We do not recommend using the run for smaller birds such as quails without additionally securing the mesh.

Will wild birds be able to access the run?

The upper half mesh and the roof panel holes are 1.96in x 2.95in, so smaller birds will be able to get through. If you are worried about this, we would suggest adding covers to the roof and side of your run or protect it further with some finer mesh.

How can I extend my run?

The run can be extended to two sections high and at least three sections wide. There is no limit on how far the run can be extended lengthwise. To extend your chicken run, please visit our Chicken Run Extension configurator It is only possible to extend a half height run height and lengthwise, the width is limited to two sections.

How big is the door?

The full height door is 5 ft. 11.2 in. Each door is 1 ft. 10.4 in. wide and 2 ft. 11.4 in. high.

Can I attach my Eglu coop to a Walk-In Run?

All of our Eglu chicken coops can be attached to a Walk-In Run using a connection kit. For the Eglu Go UP, you need to have a 6ft run or longer in order to attach the coop, all our other coops can be connected directly or with a coop run.