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Zippi Rabbit Run Extension Panels - Single Height - Pack of 2
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How to build the Zippi Run
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Zippi Playpen - How to assemble the Zippi Playpen
Product FAQs
Can I extend my run?
Yes, the runs can be extended lengthwise however big you want using extension kits. You can also extend a two panel wide run to three panels wide. You can’t however turn a single height run into a double height run.
Can I extend my playpen?
Yes, you can find extra panels (both single and double height) on the Zippi spares page.
What are the mesh dimensions?
Walls and Roof mesh size: 1.5in x 1.5in
Underfloor mesh size: 3in x 3in
Skirt mesh size: 1.5in x 3in
What are the mesh dimensions of the underfloor mesh?
The underfloor mesh is 3in x 3in, measured from the ends of the mesh wires.
Are the Zippi runs predator proof?
While the strong materials and thought out design makes it extremely hard for predators to get to your pets, no run is 100% predator proof.
If you live in an area with lots of predators (foxes or smaller ones like martens and weasels) or rats, you might want to consider adding additional protection to the run.
Will my rabbits be able to dig through the underfloor mesh?
Depending on the size of your rabbit and their eagerness to dig, you will likely see your pets trying to dig through the underfloor mesh. Make sure your pets have lots of opportunities to exercise and play (digging is often a sign of boredom), or give them a designated safe spot to dig. If you notice that your rabbits have been digging, regularly move the run to new spots to prevent your pets escaping. If you’re still worried, you can contact our customer service team who will be able to give you more tips.
Can I extend the height of my single height Zippi run?
Unfortunately you can only extend a Zippi run length- and widthwise. The sturdiness of the run can’t be guaranteed when extended in height.
Will the underfloor mesh hurt my pets’ feet?
The sizing of the mesh has been designed to fit rabbit and guinea pig feet. If you’re placing the run on grass, it will barely be noticeable to your pet, but even on a harder surface it won’t cause your pets’ any discomfort.
Why can't I fit two Zippi runs together instead of buying an extension?
You can technically connect two runs together, but it’s not something we recommend. The extension packs will provide you with exactly what you need; if you connect two runs together you will have spares. Connecting two runs rather than extending also compromises the structure of the roof, and it will not be as strong.
Can I keep baby animals in the run?
As long as your rabbit or guinea pig is old enough to go outside, they can be kept in the Zippi Run. For very small babies of certain breeds, you may want to add additional mesh or covers to exclude the risk of escapes.