Comments for Parakeet Aggressive Behavior
Showing comments 21 to 30 of 45
Teresa, 27 August 2019
I've male for a while had him finger trained and he never showed signs of aggression. Decided to add a female to our family and immediately my male started biting us. At first I thought it was just a little jealousy but today I noticed some dried blood on my females tail feathers should I sepertate them? Their cage is designed for 2 birds I make sure they have toys but not over crowded and my male is still biting.
Cheri, 23 August 2019
Occasionally, in the wee hours of the morning, my female and male parakeets will begin to fly around the cage, squeaking and banging into the sides. I keep them covered at night. Is this normal? I try to calm them, by talking to them. But they usually stop on their own after a couple of minutes.
Joanne, 10 August 2019
I dont know if my birds are fighting or playing. At times they get noisey and peck at each others beek. They r quiet when the house is quiet but as soon as tv is on and any noise they start in.
Deb, 8 August 2019
I have 2 parakeet that were raised together. All of a sudden one keeps trying to shove its head between the legs of the other. I do not know the sex of my birds. This one has not been aggressive before but now won't stop doing this to the other. Why?
Lavonda, 8 August 2019
My female budgie has been fighting the male for several days (she has come off setting), but tonight, she has pecked a large amount of feathers off him and bloodied his head. We were out for a couple of hours when this happened. What do I need to do. Of course I separated them temporarily.
An Omleteer, 24 July 2019
I got three parakeets from a friend and they have been together for about 6-7 months before we got them. The first few days where good, but now they’re fighting. We’re using the same cage they were in before but there still fighting. Sometimes two of them target one bird (usually the female) and sometimes they all just fight. Should I separate them, or just give it time?
Anne, 1 July 2019
I have two budgies one male one female who have been together in their cage now for one week the male Sid we had five weeks before the female . Whilst not actually fighting they are not the best of friends either and will peck at each other on occasion. As it has only been a week is this still a settling in period and what signs should I look for to put them back into separate cages And what are the signs that say they will never really get on. I am at a loss as to know what to do as I so wanted them to be happy together.
Liz, 26 June 2019
I bought 2 parakeets 2 weeks ago Bobby and Lori, then yesterday I bought a new one named Lincoln .. Bobby has been attacking Lincoln for no reason... is it because he is new and maybe he is jealous that maybe Lincoln will take Lori away from him? Should I get a new Female parakeet?
Gonzalez, 1 June 2019
My female parakeet is not letting the male parakeet eat out of one the food bowls and kicks home out of where they sleep together. Should I separate them?
Vernon, 25 September 2019
My bird is bleeding from the foot from fighting