Comments for Parakeet Aggressive Behavior
Showing comments 31 to 40 of 45
Sue, 2 April 2019
My budgie Just had a baby almost 2 weeks ago the baby is doing good but I have noticed that the female has become very aggressive towards the male is this normal behavior or do I need to separate them
Rhonda, 31 March 2019
Last week I saw my female parakeet on the bottom of the cage she had died and we don’t know why she’s with another bird she’s been with from two years ago it happened very suddenly so now I have another parakeet in the cage and I almost wonder if my mail is attacking the females because there’s no reason why the other one died she was fine the day before the only thing I noticed is she would go to the bottom of the cage a lot I wondered if maybe she was egg bound and that’s why she died
Ilse, 27 March 2019
I have integrated 3 bird cages into one bigger one after I observed them for about a week. My little hen has 4 chicks of about two weeks old. Initially the intro went well, but suddenly one female budgie began to guard the breeding box and triedto fend off the mother of the chicks from entering her own nest. She launched continuos attacks by diving from the top of the breeding box towards the mother who attempted to enter the box to feed her chicks. I just took a shower when my daughter alerted me that the attacking female entered the nest and began attacking the chicks. She was bloodied and bit at the chicks heads. I was extremely upset and immediately seperated the mother, father and chicks into another cage. The chicks seems to be fine after the mother groomed and nursed them. I just want to get rid of the attcking female. Why does this happen? Jealousy?
Juditb, 24 March 2019
i having a problem with my budgies bubbles and squeak, today i hear just a noise from my two, bubbles attacked squeak and draw blood. i was afraid he was going to kill squeak i had to intervene and got pecked myself. but poor squeak looks a bit of a mess and looks sorry for himself. has anyone had any one had problems like this, do i need to separate them.
Maria, 17 March 2019
Hi, I have 2 male budgies that were the absolute best of friends. In the last 2 weeks, the newer bird has started bullying my original bird. It's beyond heart braking to see, tonight alone he's done it at least 4 or 5 times. I've seen him chase him biting his wing and tail feathers. He's just suddenly darted across the cage forcing my original budgie off the perch falling to the floor (this happens a lot) he chases him swinging his beak at him. But then they're grooming each other and don't leave each others side, until the newer bird suddenly decides to attack again
Lez, 10 March 2019
Hi Kersey, I had the same problem and separated them in cages side by side. My male bird is much happier and back to his normal self. They now sit and chatter to each other
Kacz, 17 February 2019
Hi, my cock budgie aka: Splash, incessantly attacks my hen budgie aka: Little Blue. Initially, the attacks weren't often, but of late have increased in frequency and ferocity, so I fear for Little Blues life. Splash now pens down Little Blue on her back and tries peck her eyes out etc. Do any of you budgie owners have any ideas I could try before Splash kills or mames Little Blue?! Any ideas are welcome! Thank you!
Kacz, 17 February 2019
Hi, I too am having problems with my cock budgie aka Splash, attacking one of 2 hen budgies aka Little Blue, repeatedly. It used to happen occasionally, but now it is incessant and more violent. Splash is the larger of the 2 birds. When I'm in the room when Splash attacks, I spray him with water that takes away his attack mode, but I can't always be in the room. Do any of you budgie owners have any ideas that I could try before Splash kills Little Blue? Little Blue is such a sweetheart, I would hate to lose her! Thank You so much for any of your ideas?!
Kelsey, 16 February 2019
Hi i dont know if anyone could help me out, i have 2 budgies 1 male 1 female and i feel like the female bullies the male a lot chases him sometimes tries to peck him and squeeks at him! Sometimes not letting him eat or take a bath she jumps in out the way, or if hes on the swing jumps on it so he has to get off!! Then the next minute theyre kissing and preening eachother? Is this all normal behaviour 1 minute i feel sorry for him but then other times theyre being cute together so do i need to separate them or not?
Kelly, 26 May 2019
My female budgie is sitting on eggs in the nest house and everytime the male budgie enters I hear her squawking at him. Is he trying to attack her or the eggs?