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Comments for Parakeet Eggs

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Showing comments 61 to 70 of 101

Ruchika, 22 July 2019

My budgie layed 4eggs it's been 45 days still those are not hatched why

Charles, 10 June 2019

My budgie hens are constantly sitting in their boxes but not laying any eggs. I have tried moving them into different cages without their mates and then returning them to their original pairing and cages. All the hens do is go back to sitting in empty nests.

Cherie, 24 May 2019

I have two females and i now have a total of ten eggs two of which i candeled to be sure and there was nothing inside. 6 of the eggs are past due for hatching im pretty sure their both female as their ceire's look the same

An Omleteer, 18 May 2019

My budgie layed 4 eggs, 3 of which hatched. She layed on her babies for about 5 days and now she looks so tired and she doesnt do it anymore. Should I be worried?

Patsy, 13 May 2019

Hi I got two male the people had then for three or four years they always fight then having had female budgie. Can I put a female and male in a other cage or is it to late for them to breed I hope to hear from you thank you

Ashim, 11 May 2019

Can the budge nests be laid in 2 or 3 consecutive rows? If this can be done, what should be the minimum distance between each row?

Pamela, 30 April 2019

I have baby budgies in the nest all doing fine my problem is the nest is dirty and the dirt is sticking to the babies feet etc, they are 18 days old can I clean the nest?

Deedee, 27 April 2019

Can I move the cage when she is sitting on the eggs

Peggy, 12 April 2019

My 18 month old budgie has laid an un fertalized egg to day . I am so excited but I don't know what to do with it the egg I mean Peggy

Davina, 27 March 2019

I have a pair of buddies who have just had babies but I have found the male budge dead this morning will the babies survive with only the mother

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