Verified Reviews for Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
More eggs, but door worries
We got the eglu coop after ours was destroyed by a hurricane.
The girls started re-laying right after they got into the eglu. That's good considering what they went through. But the only thing I gotta say is I wish the app would tell u if the door didn't open when it should of. Happend two times in under two weeks. With that being said. This thing is awsome!!!!
Review for: Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
The reviewer has 8-10 Easters, frizzles pets
Customer service
I haven't unpacked my parcel yet as I shan't need it until I get my chickens in Spring, but thought here would be a good place to thank and praise your customer service staff and the system you have in place to help people like me. I had ordered a wrong item for my cube and was heartened by how pleasant, efficient and helpful you were at your end. I heartily recommend you! D.B.
Review for: Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
The Girls follow the light!
I purchased the automatic door which was brilliant but then as the evenings started to get darker earlier the girls didn’t seem to be making it into the coope before the door closed. After a bit of research I realised I needed a coope light.the Omlet coope light has worked brilliantly. I installed and programmed it myself - I was surprised I was able to as I’m not good at that sort of thing. It works like a dream. It comes on as dark falls and 15 minutes before the automatic door closes. Then goes off soon after. Since I put it in all the girls have made it in on time. It means they got the most time possible outside every day having the light and auto door together. I have a wooden coope but the products work perfectly on it.
Review for: Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
The reviewer has 6-8 Chickens pets
Get the coop light!
I should have bought the coop light when I purchased the door. My chickens were already trained to come to a light which I had added but it required me to make an extra trip to turn the light on and then another to turn it off. Order your automatic door with the coop light installed!
Review for: Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
The reviewer has 10+ pets
Clucking excellent
Makes us feel very safe. Shirli took a while to get used to sleeping in the coop and not on the roof. Polli (quite a plump girl!) can fit easily through the doorway. It gives us great peace of mind and sense of security at night, because we live in rather rural area where Mr Fox visits. We particularly like the independence it gives us as the employees were rather unreliable with closing the front door in the evening.
Review for: Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
The reviewer has 2-4 pets
Works great
This light is great and reminds my girls to get inside before the door closes. Great purchase.
Review for: Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
Really great light
As said above really great addition to my automatic door and good value for money had a problem one of the girls always stayed out of coop too long and would get locked out but now when light comes on she is first in
Review for: Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
The reviewer has 2-4 Barred rock pets
Great coop addition
Bought this to try to encourage my chickens to get in their coop at night...and it did the trick! Very easy to operate and quick to install. Highly recommended.
Review for: Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
Everything I have purchased From Omlet has been five-star,
look no further there is nothing better.
Review for: Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
The reviewer has 10+ Light Sussex pets
Great little light
Fast delivery..easy hook up. Didn’t seem too bright when I hooked it up but came back at night and turned on an it was perfect amount of brightness in my opinion.
Review for: Coop Light - Automatic Chicken Coop Door
The reviewer has 4-6 Black Australorps pets