Verified Reviews for Eglu Cube® - Large Chicken Coops with Runs
Great design!
We love our new Cube! It wasn't hard to assemble and the kids can have no problem collecting the eggs. Easy to clean and no maintenance. Nice upgrade from our wooden coop. Worth the investment!
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with Accessories - Purple
The reviewer has 4-6 Easter Eggers pets
I know I will love this coop for many, many, years to come!
I truly consider the purchase of the Eglu Cube Chicken Coop to be one of the best decisions of my entire life. This is a high quality coop that I anticipate using for many years. I had looked at dozens of those wooden coops available at the various farm stores in our area and always came away discouraged with the quality; I considered making my own coop but was concerned with the cost. For far less than I would spend on lumber, I was able to purchase the Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with Run, and with it came the confidence in knowing that I have a high quality coop that will serve my flock well for decades.
The coop is easy to assemble, easy to use, easy to clean, and the chickens love it! This coop is the foundation of a long-term relationship with a healthy and happy flock!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with 6ft Run Package - Leaf Green
The reviewer has 4-6 Hybrid chickens pets
I'm so happy I chose Omlet!
Being new to backyard chickens, I knew I wanted a coop with a low profile. After a lot of research, and not wanting to build one from the ground up, I decided on the Omlet Eglu system. I started with the coop and a 9' run but quickly added on the 6'x6' addition. We had to get a bit creative on connecting the two systems so to allow the whole set up to fit in the space we had available.
I love it and so do our 4 hens. We have added three more baby chicks to our brood and they will be joining the "big girls" in about a month.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run Package - Leaf Green
The reviewer has 2-4 Black Copper Maran, pets
Quality, easy to clean, easy to move
I was looking for a chicken tractor to allow the free ranging of hens but without the predation. I have the 13 foot run and on flat ground I can, as a 38 year old fit gal, move the whole thing alone. If the ground is uneven, I have my kids or husband help. The coop is very easy to clean, snug, and high quality. It meets my desire for a coop that can be mobile, that's safe, and that's easy to clean. Worth the investment.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Leaf Green
The reviewer has 4-6 Orpington, Rhode Isl pets
Love this coop
My absolute favorite part of this coop is not having to worry about predators. We have 2 Eglu Cubes and in 3 years not lost one single chicken to a predator. It has been great to add run space when needed. We have 9 feet on one and 12 on the other. The 12 foot run is considerably more difficult to move, but still doable with one person. Overall very happy!
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
All good so far
Hens in the Cube for four days now and everything's going well. Well designed system.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop - Green
The reviewer has 2-4 ISA Brown pets
Love It!
This is perfect for my 4 chickens. It looks great and seems sturdy.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
The reviewer has 2-4 pets
Well designed
Packaging protected the contents well from the rigors of shipping and there was very little of the packing that could not be recycled. The fit of the pieces was excellent and the assembly instructions were well written. Product assembly process went smoothly and I found the fit up of the parts to have good tolerances. Used some common sense on the sequence of final torque and final result is a very sturdy coop in just about an hours time. I did not buy the run that is designed for this coop due to already having a fenced and secure area. Although they recommend 2 folks for assembly, I had no issues at all completing the build by myself. Bought this as a habitat for younger birds until they can be integrated into my bigger main coop / run area. The cost of the Eglu coop was the same as my first (much bigger one) that I build from lumber, But the quick set of the Eglu product offset the several full days of construction on the one I built "from Scratch". Although my young birds have not yet moved in, the Eglu coop looks like it will work great and has features and functions that are well thought out. I went with Eglu after buying and installing one of their Auto-doors on my big coop. I am very happy with both of the products I have purchased from Eglu.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop - Green
Eglu Cube - Large Chicken Coop is Fantastic!
My husband and I purchased the movable Eglu Cube with an extended run about two weeks ago. We watched the online videos, which were very clear and detailed and put the Eglu together with relative ease. We have had extremely windy weather and the Eglu hasn't wavered or suffered any damage - the pieces are very strong and durable and easy to open and close. I am not 5 foot tall and less than 130 pounds and can easily move the Eglu by myself. Our chickens happily peck around the run for hours before going inside when the light comes on. I would highly recommend this product to other chicken lovers!
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
Very sturdy, convenient to clean, hens love it.
Putting it together was easy using the YouTube video. The hens love it. I am in Texas, and it withstood a 300 pound feral pig attempted break in. Had to replace a few clips, and bend the wire back in place, but they were safe in the cube. Now it is securely in a pigproof fenced area, and will last for years to come. My pet sitter loves the convenience of the automatic door. Thanks for a lasting product.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
The reviewer has 4-6 Australorp pets