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Verified Reviews for Omlet Walk In Chicken Runs

Love my chicken run
I've had an Omlet Cube for the last 8 years, and have recently bought the 2 x 2 x 2 chicken run as we moved house and now have a much smaller garden than before. The chicken run is fab, took my hubby next to no time to assemble and now I have 4 new girls all safely contained but still with plenty of room to explore. I totally recommend the run, as I do all Omlet products - such great quality.
Review for: Walk in Chicken Run - 6ft x 6ft x 6ft
2x2x2walk in run and purple eglu up(no wheels)
Janette, Norfolk,
Very helpful on phone to newby Chooks owner, retired and wanting fun productive hobby. Delivery was a nightmare as not in their catchment area and one box sent by mail delivery to other end of country but after a week all boxes arrived. Customer service were a great help. Not easy to put up but did it in the end one afternoon, once learnt the names of pole clip, run clip etc and panels go on outside of poles. Door tricky too. Eglu go up only just fits inside diagonally and not much room to get trays out. Expensive but well worth the money! I don't have to bend down, very easy to clean run floor with rake, just soil at mo but intend to give girls selection of bark, turf, shingle. I have lined bottom tray with layers of newspaper then wood shavings and so easy to slip one piece out each day to clean. Straw in nest box. My dark Sussex Chook laid an egg the very first morning! Only room for one chicken on nest box so not sure what will happen when all 3 laying, I also got a light Sussex and Rhode red chicken from Paul at The Ark, Roughton, Norfolk...very helpful hints and tips too. A smallish area for the 3 girls in my small garden but they love it! I give them something different each day to amuse them, thanks to all ideas on Omlet forum. The most amusing is hanging old sprout stalk upside down from roof....jumping chickens to get last leaf at top. They get on well with my old black Labrador. Totally safe inside run so can let chickens be independent, leaving coop door open as it is summer, they get up at 4.30 am and go to bed at 8.45 all by themselves! I am now saving up for run extension! Thanks Omlet - a great product, easy to clean and less danger of mites! I highly recommend this product.
Review for: Walk in Chicken Run - 6ft x 6ft x 6ft
Megan, Hertfordshire,
Great to just walk in to the run, no more bending down to get access the coop. Plenty of room for our chickens to stretch their wings and perch. Most important of all - it's predator proof! Delivered and put together by a lovely gentleman, as we decided it would be far too complicated for us!
Review for: Walk in Chicken Run - 6ft x 9ft x 6ft
Very pleased with the run; issues re instructions
Got the 2x3x2 up in a day, hurray! Delighted with it, excellent design. One issue, the instruction manual.. Why have a near-life size diagram of how to push a bung into he bottom of a pole (the most obvious of all the things to be done) while having no diagram on the most fiddly of all techniques, how to install a pole clip? We thought that panel butted up against poles, rather than panels joining together on the outside of the run, and only realised our mistake ninety minutes in, when we found that the skirts were not fitting. The diagram of the skirt support wire was very good, and something similar would have saved us a lot of angst. One other minor issue; on p. 30 of the manual it shows correctly that seven of the nine required run panel roof units are in Box C, but does not say where the other two for the 2x3x2 are (I think it was D or E. But NB, we managed it and are v pleased with the finished item
Review for: Walk in Chicken Run - 6ft x 9ft x 6ft
Eglu go up on wheels, connector kit and 3x2x2m run, covers
Janelle, New South Wales,
Awesome product. And amazing service. The girls were helpful,not pushy, friendly and knowledgable. Delivery was very quick. Even managed to set it all up solo, tricky as I'm only 5 feet tall-go the milk crate. Have 3 girls who are very comfy and snug at night with plenty of room during the day. And safe. Very easy to clean. Also purchased 2 heavy duty covers-1clear,1 shade-which are brilliant also
Review for: Walk in Chicken Run - 6ft x 9ft x 6ft
Easy to put together. Lovely large area for out girls! Easy to get in and keep clean. Peace of mind knowing they are safe from predators!
Review for: Walk in Chicken Run - 9ft x 9ft x 6ft
Being very 'untechnical' it took considerably longer to erect than suggested but I am very pleased with this product. It does the job well and when we are not here we can feel content that our girls are as safe as they can be!
Review for: Walk in Chicken Run - 6ft x 9ft x 6ft
Being very 'untechnical' it took considerably longer to erect than suggested but I am very pleased with this product. It does the job well and when we are not here we can feel content that our girls are as safe as they can be!
Review for: Walk in Chicken Run - 6ft x 9ft x 6ft
Really lovely
Rachael, Berkshire,
I thought it was unpleasant to put together - fingers hurt form all the clips and I got it wrong a few time so had to undo a lot (especially the roof - instructions have ample room for improvement) but I'm really chuffed with the end result and love it. I put 12 gage welded mesh underneath so no rats or foxes can possible break this.....
Review for: Walk in Chicken Run - 9ft x 9ft x 6ft
Walk in run
I have bought the walk in run, but last night the latch fell off so I couldn't lock the bottom door, so I will calling today. But other than that, it is great I love that they have more room plus it is easier to clean as I can stand up in it. I would of given it five stars if the door had not broken.
Review for: Walk in Chicken Run - 6ft x 6ft x 6ft
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