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Verified Reviews for Outdoor Pet Run - 12ft x 15ft

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Bachelor Pad
Michelle, Florida,
There were other option for a walk-in run that were cheaper. However, none were aesthetically appealing or easy to break down and store, including partitions to separate the different breeds within the run. Most people just have hens, but we have a few roosters for breeding purposes. Also, the ability to add high perches, so if one of the boys is getting picked on, they have a safe place to roost. Now my girls can free range in peace. The Eglus already had runs, so the connection kits were easily added. I’m going to put the doors back on Eglu runs, so I can let them out while I clean the walk-in run. I do wish Omlet would come up with a roosting bar inside the coop to accommodate roosters that don’t need a nesting box which they poop in. Roosters are chickens too, and it would make cleaning out their droppings so much easier.
Review for: Outdoor Pet Run - 12ft x 15ft
The reviewer has 6-8 Welsummers, Whiting pets
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