Verified Reviews for Outdoor Pet Run - 12ft x 15ft
I bought my walk in run last November costing just under £1400 with accessories to keep my hens safe from a badger and to follow rules on the threat of Avian Flu. My hens are safe from the badger but not wild birds, who can get in with ease through the larger upper mesh. As the run is 6m x 3m it is going to be some effort to use mesh to keep the birds out. Something I hadnt anticipated when buying it. Omlet have been helpful in informing me that Avian Flu is not a problem at present and that I could have read the Q&A's which told me wild birds could access the run. Thats number 12 on the list. The last advice I got was to put chilli flakes in the hen food as hens don't notice the taste but wildbirds do. Oh dear.
Review for: Outdoor Pet Run - 12ft x 15ft
The reviewer has 4-6 pets