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The girls new favourite hang
Our girls absolutely LOVE the pole tree addition. We have a mixed flock of little bantams right up to large Plymoth Rocks and they all love finding a place to perch and snooze. Some of the girls have even taken to sleeping outside on nice nights on the poletree in our walk in. Love it!
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hensemble Kit - 5.5 - 7 ft.
The reviewer has 10+ Modern English Game, pets
Spoiled for choice
Natasha, SA,
Please note, my perch was customised. I have four perches and a fifth pole to run perch. Great design, and worked on the slope fine, as I knew it would. My boys haven’t moved in yet, but I am sure they will love it. Fabulous quality and looks stylish. It wasn’t as easy as I would have liked to build, but I am a bit hopeless and I was tired. I got there in the end though and now I’ve built one, I will avoid silly mistakes next time.
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Eggcercise Kit - 5.5- 7 ft.
The reviewer has 2-4 Chocolate Orpington, pets
Cute and classy addition to the WIR
Misti, New Hampshire,
Just finished setting it up. In fact, even before I finished screwing everything together, the chooks were already using it. I like the longer perches because most of my girls like to roost in pairs.
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Eggcercise Kit - 5.5- 7 ft.
The reviewer has 10+ Orpington, Easter Eg pets
Easy to put together
Martin, Utah,
I bought this as soon as it became available on the US site, I have been looking at them on the UK site for some time, the design feature was easier to use on the UK - I actually gave up trying to create my own using the US option and I just bought this ready designed - not disappointed at all - easy to put together, arrived quickly and the chucks love it. I will def be expanding on my pole tree in the future. I just wish Omlet made extra nest boxes that could be attached to the Walk in run - I often have a Q waiting for the nest box in mu eglu. 100% would recommend - I also like that it adds extra support to the roof for those times in winter when we have snow, Buy it now before it goes out of stock.
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hensemble Kit - 5.5 - 7 ft.
The reviewer has 6-8 Various pets
Our girls love this
Julie, West Sussex,
Liked this so much we bought another one! Excellent product and our chickens LOVE it
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hendurance Kit - 5.5- 7ft.
The reviewer has 10+ pets
That's Hentertainment!
We bought this but customised it as only needed 1 upright but changed a couple of the short poles to longer ones to configure it to make the most of the space in our walk in run. The girls love it! We added another treat tray and they now happily scoff their grit there, we hang greens from the top pole and they also crap from a height onto the others on the ground which is perhaps not the aim but it makes sure they all stay high up when taking a nap! If you have space and cash it's definitely worth it, we have made a couple of home made climbing frames over the years but this was what we were looking for and really does the job
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hentertainment Kit - 5.5 - 7 ft.
The reviewer has 4-6 Mixed hybrids pets
Really Impressive Product!
Nick, Warwickshire,
We set up this chicken perch in the hopes of keeping the hens entertained throughout the upcoming winter months. It’s indisputable the care and consideration that is woven into designing a pet product like this. The hens are loving this new addition to their run and enjoy observing the rest of the flock on the various perches! Super high quality, easy to assemble, and would work for most runs.
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Eggcercise Kit - 5.5- 7 ft.
Verified Omlet Product Tester The reviewer has 4-6 pets
Great entertainment to me and my chucks!
My chickens love the Omlet PoleTree, in particular my Welsummer, she loves jumping up on to the perches for treats. I attached it to my plum tree and fence post to make it nice and sturdy. I like that I can also hang various treats from the lower perches.Which brings great entertainment to me and my chucks!
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hendurance Kit - 5.5- 7ft.
Verified Omlet Product Tester The reviewer has 4-6 Welsummer pets
Quality Omlet product
Shelley, Norfolk,
The perfect perch for hens both large and small. With adjustable perches I have been able to create the perfect perch height for tiny Pekin bantams to my giant Brahmas. Quality Omlet product with great attention to detail in fittings and finishes.
Review for: PoleTree Chicken Perch - The Hendurance Kit - 5.5- 7ft.
Verified Omlet Product Tester The reviewer has 10+ pets
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