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Customer Reviews

Here you can find a selection of the amazing feedback our customers have left for us. If you’d like to review one of our products, you’ll find a 'Write Review' button on all of our product pages.

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Smart Automatic Chicken Coop Door with Coop Light - Green
Coop door
Michele, Texas,
I wanted the outside door to be green so that I could see from my house that the door was open.
Review for: Smart Automatic Chicken Coop Door with Coop Light - Green
The reviewer has 4-6 Female chicks- Delaw pets
Heavy Duty Tarp with Gutter Edge for Walk in Run – 9ft - Twin Pack
Quality item
Have used these for years. Good quality and heavy duty. Omlet went above and beyond by organising an alternative courier to that they normally use for delivery. Goods arrived quickly with no problem. Many thanks.
Review for: Heavy Duty Tarp with Gutter Edge for Walk in Run – 9ft - Twin Pack
The reviewer has 2-4 Pekins pets
Extreme Temperature Jacket for Eglu Pro
Love the jacket.
I like the extra insulation for the girls in the winter. It’s like they are all bundled up. Makes me feel better! 😊
Review for: Extreme Temperature Jacket for Eglu Pro
The reviewer has 4-6 Rhode Island Red, Gr pets
Eglu Cube Chicken Coop Raccoon Resistant Run - 3ft extension
Keep extending
Love it! I bought an Omlet Cube in 2021. We just love it. I have had 4 to 6 hens in it and they do great. I plan to add 3 more this summer making 7 total hens so I will be looking to add more space so they are not too crowded. I just love this predator proof option. Now Omlet needs to create a way to add another coop.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop Raccoon Resistant Run - 3ft extension
The reviewer has 4-6 Australorp, buff Orr pets
Easy Access Locks for Zippi Runs - Pack of 4
Bunny wonderland
Wow. Our rabbits love this. We have a huge shed where they just hop about but always felt mean they couldn’t go outside when they wanted. The zippi tunnel means they can go in and out whenever they please and they love playing in the tunnels. We have 2 of the double height runs each linked to the shed they run round like crazy and it’s interesting that they’ve all found their own favourite spots. Lovely looking out the kitchen window on a Morning to see little bunnies playing and having fun!
Review for: Easy Access Locks for Zippi Runs - Pack of 4
The reviewer has 8-10 Mix of lops pets
Outdoor Pet Run - 12ft x 15ft
Room to Grow
Kathleen, Colorado,
After several years with only an extended run we finally upgraded to the walk-in. Not only is it far easier for me to take care of the girls, it gives them a lot more enrichment when the weather is too cold to free range.
Review for: Outdoor Pet Run - 12ft x 15ft
The reviewer has 4-6 pets
Advanced Hamster Accessories Kit
Review for: Advanced Hamster Accessories Kit
The reviewer has 10+ pets
Smart Autodoor Control Panel
Wonderful Addition!
I purchased my Omlet door a couple years ago, before the Smart Autodoor Control Pamel was available. I decided to buy the control panel and I am so glad I did. I love that I can control it from my phone and the other day 2 of my chickens didn't make it in before the door closes so instead of having to go out to the coop to put them away, I was able just to open the door from my phone and they ran right it!! Very please with it!
Review for: Smart Autodoor Control Panel
The reviewer has 4-6 Barred Rock Chickens pets
Freestanding Chicken Perch - Pole Kit
They love it
My youngest chickens, 8mo, love the perches, especially when the older bossy hens are around. Some are afraid of the moving weather vane. The food cup is a big hit!
Review for: Freestanding Chicken Perch - Pole Kit
The reviewer has 8-10 Australorp, Wyandott pets
Eglu Pro with 12ft Run Package and Wheels
Beth, South Yorkshire,
Moved to the Omlet gang after what seemed like an endless streak of bad luck; wooden shed got infested with particularly bad red mite, the plastic shed was a nightmare to clean, the chickens kept getting mud balls stuck to their feathers after a particularly wet winter, we finally caved and got the eglu pro, walk in run - all the bells and whistles. WHY didn't I switch sooner!? It took us 3 days with no prior experience to fully build, but SO worth it! Infinitely easier to clean and maintain, keeps the chickens clean, instructions were streamlined and straightforward (or "Beth proof" as my partner jokes 🤣). Don't think I'd ever go back to what we had before!
Review for: Eglu Pro with 12ft Run Package and Wheels
The reviewer has 8-10 Warren, Brahma, Whit pets