Verified Reviews for Eglu Cube® - Large Chicken Coops with Runs
Love it
Really easy to clean, looks great and very warm. Pricey but if you can afford one you won't be disappointed
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 6ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
We've had our Omlet Cube for a couple of months now and I can honestly say I wish I'd bought it earlier. Our old coop was difficult to clean and couldn't be moved, but the Cube is fantastic. Easy to clean, looks great, the food and water dispensers are amazing, and our 4 chooks seem quite content. Happy chickens make good eggs
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (6ft) and Wheels - Green
My Eglu for my eight new rescue hens is wonderful, and so easy to clean and mite free which was a huge problem with previous wooden coops. i managed to assemble it with the help of my 6 year old son and had no problems. It is a really well thought out design brilliant, sturdy and a lovely house. Thank you very much.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (6ft) and Wheels - Green
excellent overall
only one small difficulty - I cant easily reach inside towards the bottom back of the hen house to clean the one area where the chickens always go to the toilet.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (6ft) and Wheels - Green
Great product
Our introduction to eglu was the purchase of a classic on eBay and loved it, the chickens also seemed to be very comfy so when we needed to upgrade and after missing out on several cubes at auction I naturally went to omlets website. I have to admit I did get a shock when I saw how expensive they are I had definitely not banked on spending the best part of a grand on a chicken coop and extra meter of run. However, if you can afford to pay the price of an EGlu no matter what model you will not be disappointed with it, they look so much better in the urban garden than the standard wooden shed type coop, it's so quick to clean (properly) and I was surprised how warm they are inside. Also the customer service I received from omlet has been second to none and speed of service excellent, despite my initial comments on price I will be buying the replacement for my other coop from omlet.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 6ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
Great design
Very pleased with the purchase. Beautifully detailed design which works on all counts. Chickens very happy.
One large hen still clucks a lot when jumping off the bottom step in the morning - but she has learned to get on and off the ladder.
Well worth the expence.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (6ft) and Wheels - Green
A dream to clean!
To sum up an Eglu in one word EASY! Easy to put together. Easy to manoeuvre. Easy to clean. It looks good and is spacious.
On the down side PLEASE, PLEASE redesign the stairs. We have attached a wooden set as our 8 week old chicks couldn't use them. The gaps are too wide and the distance to the ground too great.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 6ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
I love it! Hens love it!
Bought the cube plus 2m extra run as I wanted a very mobile coop and run to let my girls graze a lawn down each summer by moving every couple of days. Cube is perfect for this and it's working brilliantly. Does need 2 people to move it with 3 metres of run attached, particularly if the grass is long or the ground uneven, but still takes only minutes. The design is funky, practical and functional so easy for cleaning out and egg collection. The grub and glug containers are genius! The Grub keeps food dry and there's a lot less waste than with standard feeders. I can confirm the run is fox resistant! :) Witnessed nightly fox parties around cube and regularly find a "calling card" from the fox right next to the run in the morning, but so far no attempt to get in. As a precaution I do always close the pop hole and remove all food from the run each night, but still v.impressed that the cube and run keep my girls as safe as possible each night. One improvement I would make which other reviewers have already suggested is that I would like the hole in the nesting box to have a plug or something to stop bedding falling down the hole. I've been keeping chickens for 2 years now and I swear by hemp chips for nest boxes and trays as it absorbs smells and draws fluid down to the bottom keeping the coop dry, odour-free and (so far) mite-free. Currently my solution is to plug with a piece of damp-proof-coursing material to lay over the hole, but still the girls move it when kicking up the hemp and then the hemp chips fall in the run. The other small gripe is that the ladder was a bit mission impossible for the girls for the first day or two and they took to flying in and out the coop to avoid slipping on the ladder! Comical but a few feathers were lost and minor injuries sustained over the first weeks. We've stuck at it and I found that moving the run cover up next to the coop keeps morning and evening dew off the ladder and the girls are happier about using the ladder now it is a lot less slippy but still seeing rather comedic coop entries and exits. Reckon a re-think of the ladder might be in order. However all in all I'm really happy with the purchase and think it is really good value for money.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (6ft) and Wheels - Green
Having been used to a wooden coop and finding it a bit of a chore to clean out I am absolutely delighted with the ease in which I can now clean them out and in a fraction of the time the raised height also makes it a lot easier to tend the "girls" especially for those of us that bending up and down has become rather challenging.
The "girls" seem very happy in their home I can think of nothing negative to say about it at all it is brilliant.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (6ft) and Wheels - Green
We are new to hen keeping and decided to invest in a cube with 3m run. It is fantastic! Easy to put together (take your time to read and do it following the directions) super simple to clean. The only modification I have made is to add tree rounds under the ladder as steps up so the hens can step up to the ladder instead of jumping. It did take the hens a few days to get use to the ladder as at first they were slipping off it. Happy hens! Thanks Omlet!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (6ft) and Wheels - Green