Verified Reviews for Eglu Cube® - Large Chicken Coops with Runs
To small
I have 6 chickens and the cage is way to small and the coop is so small that now that the chickens are full grown they don’t want to go in there anymore, big waste of money, also chickens like to sleep on perches and to small to install inside coop
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
The reviewer has 6-8 Chicken pets
Omlet response:
Hi Isaac,
Thank you for your feedback.
The Eglu Cube has been designed to accommodate up to ten small chickens, eight medium-sized chickens or six large chickens.
There can be a range of reasons why your chickens are refusing to enter their coop. We would like to redirect you to a blog article on this subject, accessible by clicking here.
Although they don’t look like traditional wooden perches, the Eglu Cube has specially designed roosting bars with a structured surface and rounded corners where the chickens will sleep comfortably at night.
Don't hesitate to contact us by phone or by email for any further information.
Omlet Customer Services team
Stairs need to be improved
Stairs are unsafe and not easy for larger breads to use. A ramp would be a lot more practical. I am in the process or constructing and new ramp. I also have removed the roosting rack because it is slippery and my chooks won't use it. I'm quite underwhelmed with my purchase.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Leaf Green
The reviewer has 2-4 Buff Orpingtons pets
Omlet response:
Hi Haley,
Thank you for your review.
As chickens are animals of habit, it may take them a little adaptation time before getting used to the ladder and the roosting bars. One tip would be to carry the leader of the group onto the roosting bars first and then the others. You can repeat that action several times and sooner or later, they will get used to it. You can also add some bedding onto the roosting bars to make the process easier.
We hope that this will help and don't hesitate to contact us for any further information.
Omlet Customer Service Team
Chicks won’t go into it - even if I leave the back off so it is light inside
Coop was easily constructed and is weatherproof. I leave the door open and they won’t go in, even with treats on the stairs and inside (they eat the treats on the stairs but not inside). The older 2 birds have taken a break from laying (which is good under the circumstances). The tunnel run means that if they do lay an egg in the run I will have to crawl through chicken poop to recover it. They had no problem with my old coop and covered nest boxes.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with Wheels and Accessories - Green
The reviewer has 6-8 pets
Omlet response:
Hi Audrey,
Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
Chickens are animals of habit, and it can sometimes take them a while to adapt to their new coop.
Leaving them treats there is a good strategy. Don't hesitate to carry them in as well, starting in pecking order.
Don't hesitate to contact us by phone or by email for any further advice.
The Omlet Customer Service Team
Run a waste of money
The coop itself is fabulous, but a big drawback is the run and wheels package. I think the pictures and description are misleading making the run look sturdy and easy to move. In reality, the run is clunky and very difficult to move. I was surprised to see such a sophisticated design held up by zip ties in the end. I'm a big supporter of omlet and truly can see the extra thought they put into their products. But for the premium price and months of waiting, I expected a better run. It costed ~$350 for a poorly functional run that I will have to throw out and find an alternative solution. I hate to write a one star review. It would be great if there were some leniency to the return policy so we could find a solution for our girls and not have to waste so much money.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 9ft Run and Wheels Package - Leaf Green
The reviewer has 2-4 pets
Omlet response:
Hi Wendy,
Thank you for your review. We are quite surprised to read that you find the run difficult to move. This can also depend of other factors such as the incline and the type of ground you're on, but it should be easy to move the structure using the wheels. On our website, we have some handles available to purchase as well, that can improve the ease of movement of the run if you have some difficulties on your ground.
In order to keep the structure together, a mixture of screws, zip ties and clips are used and have been carefully selected by our product design team. Your installation should be sturdy and durable as a consequence of these structural choices.
We stay at your disposal by email and by phone for any further information or any query. We would be more than happy to ensure with you that all the elements of your run are accordingly installed in order for you to enjoy the convenience and simplicity of use of your Omlet product.
The Omlet Customer Service Team
This product is garbage
I bought this 4-5 weeks ago for 4 chickens and it is literal trash. First off when I was building it the instructions were misleading and when I say misleading I MEAN MISLEADING! I HAD TO DISASSEMBLE THE WHOLE COOP AND START OVER 2 TIMES! The second thing is that box C did not come on time, I mean really, REALLY! The third and final thing is that the chickens were in the run, so I go inside my house and watch TV and from the corner of my eye, I see a HAWK ATTACKING ONE OF THE CHICKENS! I go outside and scare the Hawk off and I see that the chicken is injured. I took the chicken to the emergency animal hospital and they, unfortunately, had to euthanize it. So it makes me mad that Omlet advertises their products as "Pretor free." I mean REALLY! This is why this product is literal trash and for the money I paid for this, it's not worth it, also the time is not worth it either. This deserves 1 star for the lack of EVERYTHING it says it's supposed to be. Would not recommend it and would not buy it again.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with Wheels and Accessories - Green
The reviewer has 4-6 New Hampshire's and pets
Omlet response:
Hi Chicago,
Thank you for taking the time to write us a review. We are very sorry and sad to read what happened to your chicken. This is unusual to hear that kind of misadventure as we are working hard in order to produce the safest enclosures as we can. Our runs, made of heavy duty steel weld mesh, and the anti-tunnel skirt, should bring extra protection against predators. Unfortunately, nature can be unpredictable and unexpected things can happen however I can assure you that your feedback is being taken very seriously and I would like to thank you for making us aware of what happened so that we can look at ways of preventing it happening again. I will let our directors know and we will therefore investigate for improvements.
In order for us to understand exactly how this could have happened, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us to investigate further about your specific case. We will try to get in contact with you as well so that we can understand how this happened precisely.
In regards to the instructions manuals, don't hesitate to have a look at our videos as well, showing how to install your product step-by-step. This can be helpful especially if you are more of a visual person.
We are sorry to read that you received some of your packages separately. We are dispatching your products at once, however it can indeed happen that couriers separate the parcels if their van is full.
We sincerely apologise again and we are looking forward to hearing back from you soon.
The Omlet Customer Service Team
Very good
I have found the cube to work very well. The assembly instructions were easy to understand and I managed to put it together myself. My two chickens seem to like it very much and have had no trouble using the ladder. It has also been easy to clean.
Only down side has been my chickens seem to like using one end of their nest box as a toilet and not sure how to train them not to do this and instead to use the roosting area where the droppings trays are located!
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 6ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
A very well designed product, good assembly instructions and easy to put up. Chickens appear to have settled in, we only have 3 chickens and on a slight downside would not want to put anymore in.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (6ft) and Wheels - Green
I have an Eglu Classic and have just acquired a Cube. The ventilation is just above the slatted perches (i.e. just where the chickens sleep), rather than under the perches in the Classic. I am a bit concerned about them sleeping in a draft.
Otherwise, it is very well thought-out, but I am not finding it possible to move on my own. It could do with some handles, and a brake for people who live on slopes.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (6ft) and Wheels - Green