Currently, there is a waiting time due to high demand. Please see our Delivery page for more information.
Not ideal for feathered feet bantams
My Eglu cube was not easy to assemble. The clips do not work well in the cold at all and I was missing cable ties and clips from my kit.. It was a long drawn out process and very hard without help. When finally assembled my Pekin bantams were not impressed as they found the plastic far too slippery. They struggled to get up and down the ladder as it is very steep and slippery so took to flying - I have now had to install a long wooden ramp and they are much happier. They are also used to roosting at night so hated the main bit and slipped on the plastic. I now have straw and have installed a roosting perch. So whilst it is easy to clean I have not got away from the nooks and crannies to avoid red mites which was my aim. On the plus side it is very easy to move around the garden and the plastic is easy to clean. Please consider longer more gently sloping ramps with a non slip surface and some kind of roosting perch.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with Wheels and Accessories - Green
The reviewer has 2-4 Pekin pets
Omlet response:
Hi Sarah, Thank you for this honest feedback. It is crucial for us and all the points that you outlined will be evaluated and taken in account for future improvements. We were in contact with you via email, I hope that we were able to find a satisfactory solution for you. Don't hesitate to reach us again for any request or information. Yours, Omlet Customer Service team
Poor design
It's a nightmare to construct (the fence portion) & use, the outside enclosure takes away the convenience of everything designed into the plastic portion. Trying to get food in and out and keep it clean underneath is difficult.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (6ft) and Wheels - Green
The reviewer has 2-4 pets
Omlet response:
Hi Jim, Thank you for your review. We are sorry to read that you found this product difficult to assemble. We would recommend to watch our assembly videos as a complement to our instruction manuals. You can find them at the bottom of the website page, under the "Assembly Videos and Manuals" section. Feel free to contact us with more details on what you find inconvenient. Your feedback is very important to us and our Product Design Team is always open to improvements. If you find the access to the run a bit challenging for you, we do offer extra doors available to purchase on the website, that you can fit on any side of the run. You can find this product here. I hope that this will help and we stay at your disposal for any further information. Yours, Clemence Omlet Customer Service Team
Elizabeth, Texas,
The written instructions were not clear at all. Too many if you bought product A go to step B etc. Also, the instruction manuals that came with the various sections were missing pages. They would be blank—going from page 56 to page 60 with just blank pages leaving steps out in between. It took me and my husband nearly 7 hours to put it together. I am sure it is a fine product, but by the time we finished we were too irritated, frustrated, and tired to put the chickens in. That part will have to wait until next week as we took our only day off to put it together.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with Wheels and Accessories - Green
The reviewer has 4-6 pets
Omlet response:
Hi Elizabeth, Thank you for your review. We are sorry to read that you experienced these difficulties with the instruction manuals. We would recommend you to watch our instruction videos as well as a complement, they will show you the process step by step. You can find the videos here. Nevertheless, your feedback has been passed onto our product design team, who will work on improvements on that point. We stay at your disposal for any further information. Kind Regards, Omlet Customer Service Team
Courtney, Nebraska,
I hate leaving reviews like this, simply because I just usually swallow it and don't leave one. But I paid $1,300 for a large coop/extended fence + auto door that I simply do not like nor am impressed with it. I thought I would try something new and different & I just should not have. It was SUCH a pain to put together, though the instructions were very clear and well pictured. This is not a one man job & took approximately 5hrs. I thought I would give my chickens a couple weeks before I left an honest review and I don't think they like it either, they never go into the actual coop. Since I bough the extended fence, it takes 2 people to move the "tractor" across our yard, which is fine, I just thought it would have a little more structure for a one man show. The little clips that hold the skirt on are already busting I know this will not last me long term. I will continue to replace them with the ones left over. I am just going to have to keep it since I paid so much money for it and it was such a pain to put together. If you have a nice little coop and looking for something different, please continue to look. For $1300 you could get SO much better and it would last SO much longer. I invested in this coop because I thought it would be worth the $1300 but after getting it, I would have only paid $500 for what I got. Sorry for the rant, just please do more research before purchasing.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with Wheels and Accessories - Green
The reviewer has 8-10 Production Red pets
Omlet response:
Hi Courtney, I am sorry to read about your feelings in regards to your Omlet products. As you ordered several options to your coop, including a run, an extension, as well as an automatic door, it is possible that the assembly may take a few hours as you described. It is important to make sure that everything is put together correctly, but once this is done you should be able to enjoy your products in an optimal way. Chickens are creatures of habit, which is why they might need some time to get used to their new coop. A good idea would be to encourage them ; you could carry the chickens (in pecking order) in the coop, or invite them in with a juicy lettuce leaf, so that they associate the coop with pleasure. Chickens are very smart and they will get used to it. With the automatic door, they will know exactly at what time the door opens, and at what time it closes, and you might even find some of them impatiently waiting for the door to open in the evening. Even with an extended fence, it should be possible to move the coop for one person. Of course, the longest it is, the more convenient it would be to be two people. The clips are not supposed to bust off, they should be holding the structure together in a very sturdy way. If you need to double check the assembly for the clips, don't hesitate to have a look at our instructions video as well, available on our website, this would ensure that your clips have been correctly installed. If you are unsure about this, don't hesitate to write us an email or give us a call. Overall, our coops have been built to last. If you believe that you received a faulty item, or need some assistance to ensure that everything is at the right place, please get in contact with us, so that we can find the right solutions for you. Kind Regards, Clemence, Omlet Customer Service Team
Rats get through it
Sherry, California,
Sadly everything else works good but the most essential feature - blocking the outsiders is a miss.
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (6ft) and Wheels - Green
The reviewer has 2-4 Chicks pets
Omlet response:
Hi Sherry, thank you very much for taking the time to leave us a review, it is very important for us to improve our services and our products. We are sorry to read about that misadventure. The runs are made of heavy duty steel weld mesh and the anti-tunnel skirt are bringing extra protection against predators. Unfortunately, nature is unpredictable, meaning that there is no 100% guarantee that no predator can never break in the run. The coop itself is the safest so we would recommend to leave your chickens in the locked coop at night, and to remove the food as well at that time. However, I will bring your review to the attention of our product design team so that they can study if further improvements could be made. We stay at your disposal if you need any further information. Best Regards, Clemence, Omlet Customer Service Team
I bought a cube with extension, my 3 chickens enjoy it and it is easy to clean... but it is certainly not easy to move (possibly due to the 1m extension). The nesting box also gets wet when it rains, so not great for the amount of money it costs. The rain covers are a bit pathetic too. However, it looks cool in my garden!
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 6ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
Omlet response:
Thanks for your review, we have now launched an updated version of the Eglu Cube which has solved all these issues.
Design needs to improve
Great that our girls are now fox proof BUT given the cost of the Cube, it ought to be perfect by now. To my mind there are 4 main design faults: 1. No internal night perch - why ever not? Our girls end up sleeping in the nesting box which means that the eggs and they get covered in poo - not good 2. Not enough steps on the ladder - it must be easy to add one more, surely? 3. An external day perch would be excellent at the back of the run underneath the coup to ensure they could perch somewhere when locked in the run. This would give them a bit of comfort when the ground is wet. 4. The grub is great but the glug doesn't provide them with water quickly enough especially when the weather has been but. I've ended up abandoning it and hooking a water container up instead. Overall, great for peace of mind from a safety point of view but still lots of improvements to be made on the design front.
Review for: Eglu Cube Large Chicken Coop with 6ft Run and Wheels Package - Purple
Omlet response:
Thanks for your review, we have now launched an updated version of the Eglu Cube which has solved all these issues.
Based on construction............
An Omleteer,
Bought the cube to move the girls into from the Eglu. They haven't yet moved so this is based on building only. It was a PIG to put together. TWO HOURS? You have GOT to be joking. It was at least twice that with both of us working flat out and we had to resort to a hammer in the end. We were a washer short and the run didn't want to fit. The ladder was a nightmare because the holes didn't line up. One side piece really didn't want to fit flush and all I can say is that if that's how you keep draughts out the hens must like a lot of fresh air. The lid was awful because no matter how much you adjusted the runners the only way to engage the lid properly was to put it on backwards. It did eventually go together and I hope the girls will like it but they will have to be ecstatic about it for my husband to forgive it the trauma of its assembly!
Review for: Eglu Cube Chicken Coop with Run (6ft) and Wheels - Green
Omlet response:
Thanks for your review, we have now launched an updated version of the Eglu Cube which has solved all these issues.
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