Leghorn Chickens

Breed Rating (43 Reviews)
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Leghorn For Sale
Latest Reviews For Leghorn (5 of 43)
Good chickens better the second year very good layers lay pure white eggs - Barney,
Good chickens for your back garden Lay pure white eggs lay a egg a day there are good looking hens and are not gormandisers and eat very little
I love my leghorns - Jenny,
I have 3 white legorns, they are curious and very friendly. My girls have a massive garden to run around in, they love "helping" especially when I'm digging. None are clipped, they are a delight, no trouble at all.
They are very slim and beautiful! - Anna,
Great egg layers
Show chicken - Amelie, MIDLOTHIAN,
A very attractive chicken but can be quite aggressive, very pretty and the white ones are very good at staying clean
I don’t particularly like - Amelie,
I don’t really like the leghorns because I have a beautiful rooster who is so mean, he will chase you through the paddock even up the lawn. He has been treated the same to every other rooster I have bred and still nothing.
Breeder Clubs for Leghorn
Leghorn Club
Email: richard.grice7@btinternet.com
Website: www.theleghornclub.com/
Telephone: 01833 660260