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Marsh Daisy Chickens

Breed Rating (9 Reviews)


Marsh Daisy History

John Wright and Charles Moore of Lancashire created the Marsh Daisy from a mixture of breeds between 1880 and 1913. The breed consists of blood from Old English Game bantam, cinnamon Malay hens, black Hamburgh/White Leghorn cross hens, Pit Game Cock and Sicillian Buttercups. The Marsh Daisy copes admirably with swampy, marshy land and that is where the name comes from as Charles Moore supposedly first saw one on marshy ground at John Wright’s home. The breed was almost lost into extinction but a flock was discovered in Somerset in the 1970s where it was thriving. However, it is still a very rare breed today. It is a small bird for a heavy breed and is seen in several colour varieties, all having a large rose comb, white earlobes, willow green legs and horn coloured toenails. The tail is held at 45' and the breast is nicely rounded. They are very similar in build to the game birds. The plumage of the male is gold turning to red then black towards the tail, which has black sickles. The female is wheaten with neck hackles which are chestnut edged with black. The eyes are red and the rose comb is bright red. They make excellent table birds with well-flavoured flesh. There is no bantam version.

Marsh Daisy Behaviour

The Marsh Daisy is a hardy bird, which is well suited to free ranging, as it is an excellent forager. They are long-lived birds and are good layers of tinted eggs. They also make excellent broodies. They are upright, active birds that are very well suited to swampy and marshy ground. Due to interbreeding over the years when the breed almost disappeared, the males often have heart problems and some never reach more than 3 years of age. Males weigh around 6-7 lbs while the females are 5-6 lbs.

Marsh Daisy Varieties

Brown, wheaten and buff. There were also black and white varieties but these have more or less disappeared over the years and may now be extinct. Wheaten is the most commonly seen variety today.

Marsh Daisy Status


Marsh Daisy Pictures

Odin the one eyed cockerel
checking out the camera!
black marsh daisies
broody brown marsh daisy
group of wheaten marsh daisies
Marsh Daisy Cockerel
Titus, lord of all!
Brown Marsh Daisy Cockeral
3 chickens next to wall
Chicken in garden

Marsh Daisy For Sale

Please note: All animals listed here are for collection only. They cannot be delivered by the seller or by Omlet. The seller will send you their contact details to arrange payment and collection.
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Latest Reviews For Marsh Daisy (5 of 9)

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I am the caretaker of two WHITE Marsh daisies so yes they DO exist. - Christofer,

Yup, it's true... and a long story. They are only 6 weeks old now, so I can’t say much about them other than that they are absolutely lovely. Right from day 7 they wanted to get high up to sleep, so you will never need to train a (white) marsh daisy to roost. It's true what they say that this is a very hardy, tough bird. But they are also very caring towards my much smaller chicks (Black copper marrans) and are almost like their big sisters, showing the way and letting them toast up whenever they are cold. I have been told that there are only about 200 white Marsh daisies in the world right now, so if you already chickens, why not get stuck in and help out? :-) Chris

Awesome rooster - Anonymous,

We had a rooster(We were lucky to get it from a mix from the feed store that's near us) and he was very timid,A teacher to our seramas(Who he taught to roost and sit in the nesting box) and a good chicken to let the kids hold,As he wouldn't fidget and would even let you hold him like a baby! He was very friendly but had difficulty walking around as he'd fall all lot. He was very friendly,But sadly he died at 1-2 years and we're looking for another bantam rooster(And a hen,Too!) Very great for the kids if you tame them right :)

Excellent - Pauline,

The Marsh Daisy is a Lancashire breed, this is why we have them as we live in Lancashire 3 miles from where they originated. They are hardy, can cope with any bad weather. Have incredible personalities, very individual. They are a rather light breed, small, but this does not stop them putting our cuckoo marans in their place. They are long lived. Our cock died in January just short of 8 years old. Would.t be without them.

Beautiful, friendly and productive. - Sandy,

Marsh Daisies are a great wee bird to keep. They are very attractive and are ideally suited for the backyard farmer. They take up only about the same room as a bantam. They take to handling and become very tame. They are fun to watch. They get on well with other birds. They lay plenty of beautiful eggs, with a finish like porcelain. I thoroughly recommend them.

Good egg layer, friendly, beautiful but - Rhys,

They are not a tame bird. They love to be up high. I have had my 2 brown hens since June but I love them :) They lay good eggs. They love treats and will let me hold them at night. They are not violent but are incredibly strong so not good for children. They are brilliant with my other hens and are hardy. I would recommend these to anyone who wants a good layer who is confident and hardy and beautiful. Mine are a show line so they are stunning.